2021 Hispanic Heritage Month Pt. 5: A Celebration of Hispanic Heritage and Hope

We’re closing McAfee Enterprise’s Hispanic Heritage Month with Solutions Architect, Gus Arias. Read the full interview below to see how his heritage impacted his life and career in technology.

What do you enjoy most about your heritage and what is one of your favorite memories growing up?

I love the food and music.  To this day I never get tired of eating Arepas, a staple of my Venezuelan heritage.

Tell us about your journey to a career in technology and how your heritage played a role to where you are today?

I’ve always liked technology and I took a leap into IT from the Mortgage Industry. I stayed hungry for knowledge and am always eager to learn which transformed my cybersecurity career to where it is today.

What do you hope to pass on to future generations?

I want future generations to know that it is never too late to learn something new, and you should strive to learn something new every day.

What are the three most important things that people should know about your culture?

  1. Family oriented (Family takes care of family)
  2. We are very festive (any chance we get we will throw a party)
  3. A night of having family and friends over will turn out into a cookout and game night of playing dominos

What types of foods were cooked for special occasions when you were growing up?

Arepas, Mandocas, Hayacas, and Paella

Is there a tradition or celebration that you hope that your descendants maintain?

I would have to say our Christmas celebrations throughout the month of December.

As the country continues to grow more diverse, what advice would you give to young Hispanic/LatinX individuals interested in starting a career in cybersecurity?

Do not let anything hold you back and when it comes to change, have an open and positive view. Learn from those changes to improve, also work on soft skills. From a technology perspective – keep up with the times. Meaning, stay informed on the evolution of technology and threats.

What are some of your ideas on how to attract more Hispanic/LatinX individuals to cybersecurity?

Educate and promote early by engaging with local schools. Also, provide internships at the High School/College levels as a summer program.

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