5 Ways Cisco Learning Partners Make Your Life Easier

What if I told you that you could have a personal training advisor throughout your career? Wouldn’t life be easier? This training advisor could not only help you figure out which skills your team needs to learn, but also provide that training. It seems unreal. And to top it off, you could actually pay for training with special learning credits you’ve already accumulated. This training advisor would, sort of, be your partner in learning. What a concept! 

Believe it or not, these people actually exist. They’re called Cisco Learning Partners. Here are a few more reasons why Cisco Certified Learning Partners are the way to go when planning your team training. 

#1: Cisco Learning Partners are authorized and trusted by Cisco.

Cisco Learning Partners provide an end-to-end learning experience around certifications, solution-based training, content development, customization, and custom training plans. Along with years of experience helping our customers manage training paths to meet their specific needs, their designated Cisco Certified Systems Instructors (CCSIs) are authorized by Cisco to deliver training that supports our core technologies and career certifications.  

So, when it comes to team training on all things Cisco, you can turn to a Learning Partner as your trusted expert in delivering training that can enhance your team’s technical and business skills, unlocking the full potential of Cisco solutions.

#2: You can pay for team training with Cisco Learning Credits. 

Cisco Learning Credits (CLCs) are one of the best ways to plan for your team’s Cisco training and exams. Even better, you can use these prepaid training vouchers to pay for classes with Cisco Learning Partners.

When you plan your training with your trusted Learning Partner and redeem your Learning Credits directly with Cisco, you are well on your way to the ideal learning continuum, paving the way not only for your team’s immediate and future training goals but for their growing knowledge about Cisco products.

You can also redeem Learning Credits to pay for registration at Cisco Live, where Cisco customers and partners have the perfect opportunity to learn from each other and further that community of tech learning.  

Visit the Cisco Learning Partner Program to learn how to leverage your CLCs for team training. You’ll also find a list of Learning Partners, levels of expertise, and the Cisco training course catalog. 

#3: Cisco Learning Partners provide virtual and customized training. 

In today’s post-pandemic atmosphere, it’s a comfort knowing you can turn to your Learning Partner for virtual training and in-person training, depending on your preference. Either way, they can help you design and deliver the appropriate mix for your team, their training needs, and your organization’s goals.  

When it comes to team training, the solution that works for others may not work for your team. That’s why Learning Partners are empowered to customize a training program specifically tailored to your team. For example, let’s say you want to learn more about training aligned with the CCNA certification, but with a particular focus on automation. Well, your Learning Partner will work with you to develop a curriculum that sets you on the trajectory to fulfill the greater vision for your team. Then, you can continue to build on that curriculum to expedite your company’s success through continuous training with your Learning Partner. 

Discover the golf-inspired mindset that can lead your team to victory in “Chipping Away at Game-Changing Operational Efficiency” by Mike Colao, Director, Systems Engineering, Global Enterprise. Read now.

#4: Learning Partners can help protect your investment. 

Investing in technology can be daunting. After all, once you commit to integrating this new solution, you want to be sure that your team is utilizing its full potential. And in turn, you want to be sure that your selected training addresses the needs of your team — as well as those of your organization. In short, you want to find training that protects your investment.

This is where a Cisco Learning Partner serves as your greatest ally. There they are, at your side, helping you organize your training from the beginning. As you develop that relationship, you can be assured that when you find the Cisco solution that works for you, you’ll have an advocate to guide you toward the right training for those solutions. Plus, they can help you navigate adjacent technologies that are important to run an entire Cisco solution.

As you build trust in your partner’s knowledge of Cisco solutions, you’ll build your team’s knowledge. And down the road, you’ll know where to turn when you seek guidance and expertise on Cisco training in the future. 

#5: More opportunities for Learning Partners, more benefits for you.

At Cisco, we have always known that learning is the portal to success. We also know the relationship between our partners and customers revolves around continual learning. And now, to further strengthen that relationship, we’re empowering our Learning Partners with more efficient tools to streamline the learning process for you.  One of the ways we’re streamlining that process is with a new Learning Partner (LP) portal. They’ll no longer need to spend time navigating different tools and programs to conduct business with Cisco. The new LP portal gives partners one single location for all programs, tools, and updated information. 

We’ve learned a lot about how we can further empower our Learning Partners with the ability to deliver courses in the most flexible way possible. And we are not done. Our Learning Partners can look for more streamlined processes and an even more in-depth portal to get the information they need at their fingertips. They’ll also see better sales tools around CLC redemption, as well as the Cisco curriculum and the best ways to deliver training. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what we plan to deliver.  

At the end of the day, you and your business are at the center of these partnerships, building a relationship hyper-focused on a learning continuum to drive successful outcomes for your business. And isn’t that what we all want in a partner — trust to help us build a successful future? It sure does make life a whole lot easier.

I invite you to set your team on the training path that unlocks their potential by working with a Cisco Learning Partner. Visit the Cisco Learning Partner Program to learn more and explore how you can get started today.

Have you worked with a Cisco Learning Partner before? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below. Thanks for reading!


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