Intel rumored to be working on major core update

Intel is working on a number of future generations and revisions to its x86 product line, and while details are often sketchy, we may have gotten an inadvertent look into the future thanks to an employee’s social media post.

It can be hard to keep all the codenames straight, but I’ll give it a try. Intel has three major processor codenames: Rapids, for its data center processors, such as Sapphire Rapids; Falls for its high-end gaming and enthusiast desktop parts; and Lake for its mainstream and consumer desktops. It also has a number of projects code-named Core, which focus on, obviously, a core architectural revision.

The current generation of core architecture is Lion Cove, which makes up the current generation of Performance core (P-core) used in both desktop and server products. After that comes the Royal Core architecture. Its presumed successor, Cobra Core, is where it gets interesting.

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