ServiceNow certificate error disrupts operations for hundreds of organizations

Customer frustration and delayed communication

ServiceNow is leveraged by over 80% of Fortune 500 companies, with a customer retention rate of 98-99%, said Sangamesh Kadagad, practice director at Everest Group. “As a critical platform for many enterprises, expectations for its performance and security are very high. However, recent incidents, including a knowledge base data breach and SSL root certificate vulnerabilities, have raised concerns within its user base.”

While the company has been working on a resolution, the outage sparked frustration among customers, many of whom voiced their displeasure online.

“It would be nice if they actually notified all impacted customers before I page out several other teams while waiting on ServiceNow to pick up my ticket,” one customer noted on the online forum Reddit.  Others reported delays of over 90 minutes before ServiceNow officially linked their cases to the root certificate issue.

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