Cisco Statement on House Passage of the American Dream and Promise Act of 2021 – Cisco Blogs

Statement from Cisco’s Executive Vice President and Chief People, Policy & Purpose Officer, Fran Katsoudas, on House Passage of the American Dream and Promise Act of 2021:

We at Cisco applaud the House of Representatives for passing permanent legislative protection for Dreamers. For many of these men and women America is the only home they have ever known, and this legislation gives them the certainty they deserve to fully thrive and help us create a more inclusive future.

If this past year has taught us anything, it’s that our shared humanity is precious. Dreamers bring their talents, skills and work ethic to countless companies across the nation. They are our friends, colleagues and neighbors. They are American in every way but on paper. And today they are one step closer to a permanent legal solution that would allow them to become citizens in the nation they know as home.


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