Major Database Security Threats and How to Prevent Them

Human nature tells us that we’ll go for the low-hanging fruit before climbing a tree. Since threat actors are (after all) human, the same applies to them. Since databases are particularly vulnerable to many lower-level attacks, they are constantly at high risk. From misconfiguration to credential theft, these repositories of sensitive information can be preyed upon by even the most nascent cybercriminals.

However, this Achilles’ heel also makes them easy to protect – once you know what threatens them. This article will focus on a handful of major database security threats and what you need to know to steer clear.

1. SQL Injection Attacks

SQL injection is the most common threat to database security. This attack is performed by entering a query into a SQL form, and if the database interprets the result as “true” it enables access to the database. These attacks usually target relational database management systems (RDBMS) based on the SQL programming language.

Databases not based on SQL (NoSQL) are not susceptible to such attacks. Instead, NoSQL databases are targeted by queries delivered by an end-user that uses commands to execute malware.

Both methods are equally threatening, getting around verification systems by obtaining credentials and then exposing the structure and content of the database. A successful attack would give an attacker free reign over everything contained within the database.

2. Malware

Malware is designed to target vulnerabilities on a network, granting access to a database or causing damage to it. These vulnerabilities relate to unprotected endpoints on a network that can be exploited via a range of different attacks.

For IT teams to protect against malware attacks, it is important to identify the attack surface of a network. The attack surface refers to the number of vulnerabilities on a network that a cybercriminal could target.

3. Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) Attacks

A Denial of Service (DoS) database security attack occurs when a database server receives more requests than it can process, causing the system to become unstable or crash. These erroneous requests can be created by an attacker and directed at a specific target. The volume of fake requests overwhelms the system, resulting in downtime for the victim.

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack uses a botnet (a very large network of computers) to create a huge amount of traffic that even the most advanced security systems would struggle to prevent. The best defense against these types of attacks is to employ a cloud-based DoS protection service that can help limit high and suspicious traffic volume.

4. Poor Permission Management

Many organizations fail to change the default security settings from when a database server is initially installed. Just a few years ago, as many as 20% of companies were not even changing default passwords on privileged accounts. This leaves them vulnerable to an attack from attackers who know the defaults and, more importantly, how they can be exploited.

Criminals may obtain log-in details of privileged accounts when accessing the database. Inactive accounts can also present a risk if an attacker is aware of their existence. This is why permissions management should be at the forefront when developing the cybersecurity portion of your business as a whole, using zero-trust protocols to prevent unauthorized access.

Occasionally, a user can be accidentally given permissions to the database that they shouldn’t have access to. This presents an opportunity for hackers to target such users with phishing scams or other tactics that attempt to launch malware on their devices.

Cybercriminals can also attempt to seize control of the organization’s data management system, altering privileges so they can gain database access at any time. Data loss prevention (DLP) solutions can do a lot to prevent occurrences like this.

5. Database Backup Exposures

Backing up a database regularly is obviously recommended, but often, many of these backups are left unprotected, making them a common target for attackers. Securing backups is especially vital for industries that hold vital customer information, such as healthcare providers banks and financial institutions.

To prevent this common database security threat and put your organization in the best possible position, you should (aside from automating regular database backups):

  • Encrypt your database and any backups that are made.
  • Conduct regular audits of databases and their backups to record who has been accessing this data.

6. Inadequate Auditing

Poor auditing can present a golden opportunity to cybercriminals, rendering your database non-compliant with data security regulations. Organizations are required to register all events that take place on a database server and conduct regular auditing. Of course, such auditing is best using automated systems.

A failure to implement effective auditing procedures increases the chances of a successful cyberattack. However, it is also important that any automated auditing software does not impact the overall performance of the database.

7. Unprotected Databases Due to Misconfiguration

Database security threats resulting from misconfiguration are also commonly caused when some parameters and accounts are left unchanged from their initial default settings, creating unprotected databases. Using these defaults, an experienced attacker can gain access. This is why businesses should always ensure their databases are being managed correctly, using thorough procedures and audits. Database management should be conducted by an expert, whether this is an in-house professional or an external cybersecurity firm.

8. Credentials

Social engineering attacks, such as phishing or click-bait advertising, can be used to obtain log-in credentials that an attacker can use to access a network and database.

According to Google’s latest Threat Horizon Report, weak credentials (along with misconfigurations) in the cloud were to blame for three-quarters of network intrusions during the first half of 2024. Tightening up credentials is an easy clean-up that can prevent up to most data compromise instances, database-related and otherwise. For a discussion on the evolution of passwords – and the modern authentication methods that are in play today – check out our blog, “The Password Atmosphere – Problem or Progress?”.

9. Unencrypted data

Data encryption is a fundamental and crucial component of any cybersecurity policy, especially when it comes to the protection of financial information. All account and financial data that is stored within your financial institution should be encrypted. This way, even if any of the data is stolen, encryption guarantees that it is unusable. In fact, at least one cybersecurity law prescribes data encryption to comply with the standard.

How To Prevent Database Security Threats

Below are preventative measures to reduce your chances of falling prey to some of the most common database security threats outlined above:

  • Better employee training so that best practices are used daily.
  • Determining the attack surface of your network and database.
  • Using a zero-trust system.
  • Deleting inactive accounts and limiting privileges for standard users.
  • Encrypting the database and all backups.
  • Blocking potentially malicious web requests.
  • Monitoring who accesses the database and analyzing usage patterns.
  • Using masking to hide database fields that contain sensitive information.


Many different database security threats can pose a significant risk to your organization’s sensitive information. The most common database threat is SQL injection, but attacks such as Denial of Service and malware are equally dangerous. Training your employees, using encryption, and managing user privileges are some of the best ways to protect your database from a cyberattack.

For additional security measures, check out Fortra’s Data Security Suite and an overview of Fortra’s Data Protection.  

Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this guest author article are solely those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect those of Tripwire.

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