My Instagram Has Been Hacked – What Do I Do Now? | McAfee Blog

In my world of middle-aged mums (mams), Instagram is by far the most popular social media platform. While many of us still have Facebook, Instagram is where it all happens: messaging, sharing, and yes, of course – shopping!! So, when one of my gal pals discovers that her Instagram account has been hacked, there is understandably a lot of panic!

How Popular Is Instagram?

Believe it or not, Facebook is still hanging onto the top spot as the most popular social media platform with just over 3 billion active monthly users, according to Statista. YouTube comes in 2nd place with 2.5 billion users. Instagram and WhatsApp tie in 3rd place with 2 billion users each. Interestingly, TikTok has 1.5 billion users and is in 4th place – but watch this space, I say!

Why Do Hackers Want To Hack My Instagram?

Despite Facebook having the most monthly users, it isn’t where the personal conversations and engagement take place. That’s Instagram’s sweet spot. Instagram messaging is where links are shared and real personal interaction occurs. In fact, a new report shows that Instagram accounts are targeted more than any other online account and makeup just over a quarter of all social media hacks. So, it makes sense why hackers would expend considerable energy in trying to hack Instagram accounts. They’ll have a much greater chance of success if they use a platform where there is an appetite and trust for sharing links and personal conversations.

But why do they want to get their hands on your account? Well, they may want to steal your personal information, scam your loyal followers by impersonating you, sell your username on the black market or even demand ransoms! Hacking Instagram is big business for professional scammers!!

What To Do If You’ve Been Hacked

So, you reach for your phone early one morning to do a quick scroll on Instagram before you start the day, but you can’t seem to log on. Mmmmm. You then see some texts from friends checking whether you have in fact become a cryptocurrency expert overnight. OK – something’s off. You then notice an email from Instagram notifying you that the email linked to your account has been changed. Looks like you’ve been hacked! But please don’t spend any time stressing. The most important thing is to take action ASAP as the longer hackers have access to your account, the greater the chance they can infiltrate your life and create chaos.

The good news is that if you act quickly and strategically, you may be able to get your account back. Here is what I suggest you do – fast!:

1. Change Your Password & Check Your Account

If you are still able to log in to your account then change your password immediately. And ensure it is a password you haven’t used anywhere else. Then do a quick audit of your account and fix any changes the hacker may have made eg remove access to any device you don’t recognise, any apps you didn’t install, and delete any email addresses that aren’t yours.

Next, turn on two-factor authentication (2FA) to make it harder for the hacker to get back into your account. This will take you less than a minute and is absolutely critical. Instagram will give you the option to receive the login code either via text message or via an authentication app. I always recommend the app in case you ever lose control of your phone.

But, if you are locked out of your account then move on to step 2.

2. Locate The Email From Instagram

Every time there is a change to your account details or some new login activity, Instagram will automatically send a message to the email address linked with the account

But there’s good news here. The email from Instagram will ask you if you in fact made the changes and will provide a link to secure your account in case it wasn’t you. Click on this link!! If you can access your account this way, immediately check that the only linked email address and recovery phone number are yours and delete anything that isn’t yours. Then change your password.

But if you’ve had no luck with this step, move on to step 3.

3. Request a Log-In Link

You can also ask Instagram to email or text you a login link. On an iPhone, you just need to select ‘forgot password?’ and on your Android phone, tap ‘get help logging in’. You will need to enter the username, email address, and phone number linked to your account.

No luck? Keep going…

4. Request a Security Code

If the login link won’t get you back in, the next step is to request a security code. Simply enter the username, email address, or phone number associated with your account, then tap on “Need more help?” Select your email address or phone number, then tap “Send security code” and follow the instructions.

5. Video Selfie

If you have exhausted all of these options and you’ve had no luck then chances are you have found your way to the Instagram Support Team. If you haven’t, simply click on the link and it will take you there. Now, if your hacked account contained pictures of you then you might just be in luck! The Support Team may ask you to take a video selfie to confirm who you are and that in fact you are a real person! This process can take a few business days. If you pass the test, you’ll be sent a link to reset your password.

How To Prevent Yourself From Getting Hacked?

So, you’ve got your Instagram account back – well done! But wouldn’t it be good to avoid all that stress again? Here are my top tips to make it hard for those hackers to take control of your Insta.

1. It’s All About Passwords

I have no doubt you’ve heard this before but it’s essential, I promise! Ensuring you have a complex and unique password for your Instagram account (and all your online accounts) is THE best way of keeping the hackers at bay. And if you’re serious about this you need to get yourself a password manager that can create (and remember) crazily complex and random passwords that are beyond any human ability to create. Check out McAfee’s TrueKey – a complete no-brainer!

2. Turn on Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication adds another layer of security to your account making it that much harder for a hacker to get in. It takes minutes to set up and is essential if you’re serious about protecting yourself. It simply involves using a code to log in, in addition to your password. You can choose to receive the code via a text message or an authenticator app – always choose the app!

3. Choose How To Receive Login Alerts

Acting fast is the name of the game here so ensure your account is set up with your best contact details, so you receive login alerts ASAP. This can be the difference between salvaging your account and not. Ensure the alerts will be sent to where you are most likely to see them first so you can take action straight away!

4. Audit Any Third-Party Apps

Third-party apps that you have connected to your account could potentially be a security risk. So, only ever give third-party apps permission to access your account when absolutely necessary. I suggest taking a few minutes to disconnect any apps you no longer require to keep your private data as secure as possible.

Believe it or not, Instagram is not just an arena for middle-aged mums! I can guarantee that your teens will be on there too. So, next time you’re sharing a family dinner, why not tell them what you’re doing to prevent yourself from getting hacked? And if you’re not convinced they are listening? Perhaps remind them just how devastating it would be to lose access to their pics and their people. I am sure that might just work.

Till next time

Stay safe online!


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