88% of security teams are reaching or exceeding performance goals

A survey from Tines reveals that 88% of security teams are reaching or exceeding performance goals. This is despite limited staff and greater workloads, as 60% of security teams contain less than 10 people and 72% of workers report increased workloads from the previous year. Furthermore, 72% of security leaders can perform their role without working extended hours, and 83% report having a healthy work-life balance.

This survey consulted more than 900 security decision makers in the United States, Europe and Australia in order to examine trends in job satisfaction, security team outputs and more. According to the findings, 55% of security teams manage between 20 and 49 tools. 23% use less than 20, and 22% use between 50 and 99. Only one-third of respondents are satisfied with the tools their team has at their disposal, citing issues such as poor integration (24%) and inadequate key functionality of their stack (35%).

The report also provides insights on AI and automation trends. Only 5% of respondents believe AI will replace their role, while 98% are embracing AI. Furthermore, security leaders think AI and automation can help to eliminate business siloes, as they believe these tools could connect across security, DevOps (97%), and IT (98%) functions.

Other key findings from the report include:

  • 78% of respondents believe any changes AI brings to their role will be manageable. 
  • Data hallucinations/bias (29%), data centralization challenges (28%), performance latency issues (27%), and data handling (25%) are the top issues limiting the adoption of AI across the security operation center (SOC).
  • The most common uses of AI include manipulating security data, with deployment in summarization tasks (36%), threat intelligence analysis (35%), and threat detection (34%). 

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