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Cisco, Nvidia team to deliver secure AI factory infrastructure

Hypershield uses AI to dynamically refine security policies based on application identity and behavior. It automates policy creation, optimization, and enforcement across workloads. In addition, Hypershield promises to let organizations autonomously segment their networks when threats are a problem, gain exploit protection without having to patch or revamp firewalls, and automatically upgrade software without interrupting computing resources.
AI Defense discovers the various models being used in a customer’s AI development and uses four features to help customers enforce AI protection: AI access, AI cloud visibility, AI model and application validation, and AI runtime protection. AI access offers visibility into who wants or has use of an AI application and then it controls access to protect and enforce data-loss prevention and mitigate potential threats. AI cloud visibility automatically uncovers AI assets comprising custom-built AI applications across your distributed environment, including unsanctioned AI workloads. This provides a single-pane-of-glass view of AI inventory, Cisco said.
“AI infrastructure is inherently complex, and securing it requires a new, holistic approach. That’s why our architecture embeds security at every layer of the AI stack,” Patel wrote in a blog post about the news. “With solutions like Cisco Isovalent, Cisco Secure Firewall, Cisco Hypershield and Cisco AI Defense, we automatically expand and adapt security measures as infrastructure changes, providing protection against evolving threats. This also includes the opportunity to integrate with NVIDIA BlueField-3 DPUs to improve security across the stack with real-time AI workload threat detection with NVIDIA DOCA AppShield.”