Learn How to Get Started with DNA Center Templates

DNAC-TEMPLATES repository includes scripts and samples of:

  • Velocity Scripting
  • Variables
  • Binding Variables
  • Composite Templates

These samples build a tutorial that aims to be a practical guide to aid engineers to rapidly begin using DNA Center automation and help them work towards a template strategy. This will enable engineers to reduce the time and effort needed to instantiate the network.

As a result, the tutorial also does an in-depth flyby about setting up Plug and Play onboarding and templates. Additionally, it has a section on advanced velocity templating and troubleshooting tools which may help during faultfinding to determine what is failing in a deployment.

In order to keep this repository relevant, new content is added frequently to the repository DNAC-TEMPLATES, so stay tuned…

Furthermore, the repository is also directly available from Github at DNAC-TEMPLATES.

blogs on cisco.com.

  • PnP Workflow – This section explains the overall Plug and Play Methodology
  • Variables – This section explains Variables in-depth and how and where to use them
  • Velocity Scripting – This section will dive into Velocity Scripting constructs and use cases
  • Building Templates – This section will explain how to build a template on DNAC
  • Onboarding Templates – This section will explain Onboarding Templates in DNAC and their use
  • DayN Templates – This section will explain how to use templates for ongoing changes to the network
  • Advanced Velocity – This section will dive into Advanced Velocity examples
  • Troubleshooting – This section will dive into Troubleshooting Velocity

blogs on cisco.com.

Additionally, specific examples of Templates are available in the following folders:

In order to deploy these samples, we first must satisfy two conditions:

In conclusion, if you found this repository or any section helpful, please fill in comments and feedback on how it could be improved.

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