SAVE THE DATE : Next Community All Hands on September 16th ! – Docker Blog

We’re excited to announce that our next Community All Hands will be in exactly 2 months,  on Thursday September 16th 2021 @ 8am PST/5pm CET. The event is a unique opportunity for Docker staff, Captains, Community Leaders and the broader Docker community to come together for live company updates, product updates, demos, community updates, contributor shout-outs and of course, a live Q&A. 

Based on the great feedback we received from our last all-hands, we’ll stick to a similar format as last time: 

  • The first hour will focus on company and product updates with presentations from Docker executive staff, including Scott Johnston (CEO @ Docker), Justin Cormack (CTO @ Docker), Jean-Laurent de Morlhon (VP of Engineering @ Docker). 
  • The following two hours will focus on community-led breakout sessions with live demos and workshops in different languages and around specific thematic areas

As for the virtual event platform we’ll be using, we’re thrilled to be collaborating with again to leverage their unique interface, their integrated chat features and rock solid multi-casting capability.  They made incredible improvements to their platform since we last collaborated and we’re really keen to try out a bunch of new features they’ve shipped that will provide an even more interactive virtual experience for attendees. 

Docker Community All-Hands event are all about bringing the community together for three hours of sharing, learning and networking in a very informal, welcoming environment, and this one is going to be our best one yet! Stay tuned for more updates on speakers, talks, demos etc… as we get closer to the date. In the meantime…make sure to register for the event here!

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