Cisco ICM Internet Script Editor

Cisco ICM Internet Script Editor
Cisco ICM Software Release 4.6.2 Script Editor Guide
ICM Internet Script Editor User Rights
ICM Scripting and Media Routing Guide pdf
ICM Internet script editor has be online in order to work on the script, unlike the Auto attendant script editor which can run offline as well.
Installing Internet Script Editor
Internet Script Editor is installed by connecting to the web server on the distributor and clicking on a link that downloads the Internet Script Editor as a self-extracting archive.

Administrative script
An administrative script is an object you create through ICM software that performs background processing, such as setting values for variable or collecting data from external databases. Dataset by an administrative script can be used by routing scripts. Administrative scripts run on a schedule you determine.
Call control variables
Call control variables provide information about the current contact that is being routed by the script. Call control variables include information about where the route request came from, contact classification data, and data to be passed to the peripheral that receives the contact.
Caller-entered digits
Caller-entered digits are numbers entered by the caller in response to prompts. For example, a caller may enter a number to indicate the type of service needed.
Calling line ID (CLID)
The calling line ID (CLID) is a string that represents the telephone number from where the call originated. The CLID is sometimes referred to as the ANI (Automatic Number Identification).
Calling line ID (CLID)
The calling line ID (CLID) is a string that represents the telephone number from where the call originated. The CLID is sometimes referred to as the ANI (Automatic Number Identification).
Call type
A call type is the first-level category of a contact determined by data about the contact. You associate a script with a call type. When a contact of a certain call type is received, the associated script runs on that contact.
Categorization is the process of classifying a contact based on certain data associated with the contact. Through categorization, a script can determine how to best process a contact.
Dialed number (DN)
A dialed number (DN) is a string that represents the telephone number dialed by the caller; for example, 8005551212 might be a dialed number.
Expanded call context (ECC) variables
Expanded Call Context (ECC) variables store values associated with the contact.
Expanded call context variables
Expanded Call Context (ECC) variables store values associated with the contact.
A formula consists of one or more expressions that ICM software evaluates to produce a value that it can use for subsequent script processing.
Media classes
Media classes are the types of contacts that ICM software can route in an integrated contact center system. Supported media classes include: Voice for Cisco ICM Software; Single Session Chat for Cisco Collaboration Server; Multi-Session Chat for Cisco Collaboration Server; Blended Collaboration for Cisco Collaboration Server and Cisco Media Blender; E-mail for Cisco E-Mail Manager.
Media routing domain
A Media Routing Domain (MRD) is a collection of skill groups and services associated with a specific communication channel. For example, E-Mail Manager uses the ICM software uses a MRD to route a task to an agent who is associated with a skill group and a particular channel. MRDs are defined in ICM configuration and have unique IDs across the enterprise.
Network target
A network target is an end point on the network to which a script can send a contact.
Network VRU
A Network VRU supports ICM software’s service control interface. An ICM routing script can divert a call to a Network VRU and instruct the VRU to perform specific processing before ICM software determines the final destination for the call.
A value returned by a routing script that maps to a target at a peripheral; that is, a service, skill group, agent, or translation route to a label.
Routing script
A routing script is an object you create through ICM software that: (1) Examines information about a contact, whether the contact is made through a phone call or other medium, and uses that information to classify the contact. (2) Analyzes the state of the contact center and determines that best way to process the contact. (3) Directs the contact to the most appropriate destination, such as an agent, a skill group, or an announcement.
Routing target
A routing target is an entity to which ICM software can route a contact. The routing target receives the contact and processes it accordingly.
A particular type of processing that the customer requires. For example, a customer may require help installing software, and thus the Technical Support service. A service is associated with a peripheral.
Skill group
A collection of agents at a single contact center who share a common set of competencies.
Skill target
A skill target is an entity at a peripheral or in the enterprise to which ICM software can route a contact.
A target is an entity to which ICM software can route a contact. The routing target receives the contact and processes it accordingly.
Target requery
Target Requery is a script node feature that addresses routing failures due to transient failures in the network (such as network congestion). If the determined destination for a contact is available but not reachable, Target Requery attempts to find a different valid destination.
Target set
A target set is a list of possible targets. During script processing, the actual target is chosen from the set by the preceding node on the script branch, a Select node or Distribute Node.
Translation route
A translation route is a target at a peripheral that does not map to a specific service, skill group, or agent. When a contact arrives with the trunk group and DNIS that correspond to a translation route, the Peripheral Gateway (PG) is responsible for determining the ultimate target.
Universal queue
Universal Queue is the term used to describe ICM software’s ability to route requests from different channels to agents who work with customer contacts in multiple media. With Universal
Queue, ICM software treats requests from different channels as part of a single queue. Routing scripts can send requests to agents based on business rules regardless of the channel from which the request came. For example, ICM software can route phone, single session chat, and e-mail message requests to an agent who works with all these channels, based on the agent’s skills and current tasks.
User variables
User variables are variables you create to serve as temporary storage for values you can test with an If Node. For example, you could create a user variable called user temp to serve as a temporary storage area for a string value used by an If node.
A variable is a named object that holds a value. You use variables in formulas to select targets and help in call tracking.
A VRU, or Voice Response Unit, is a telecommunications device, also called an Interactive Voice Response Unit (IVR), that plays recorded announcements and responds to caller-entered touch-tone digits. A VRU can also be equipped with Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) or Text-to-Speech (TTS) capabilities.
VRU MicroApps
A VRU, or Voice Response Unit, is a telecommunications device, also called an Interactive Voice Response Unit (IVR), that plays recorded announcements and responds to caller-entered touch-tone digits. A VRU can also be equipped with Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) or Text-to-Speech (TTS) capabilities.
Troubleshooting Tech Notes.
ICM Route Select Script Node Fails to Support Wildcard (*)
No External Script Available in Run External Script Node – Script Editor
Why Does the “Consider If” Script for the Route Select or Select Node in Cisco ICM Fail?
Why Routing Scripts Cannot Access Call Control Variables Set in Administrative Script
How to Delete a Script
How to Limit the Number of Script Versions in the Database
Script Editor – Application Error
Script Editor Access Error
Script Editor — Displays Gray Screen When Started
Script Editor: Unable to Open Any Cisco ICM Script
Troubleshooting Cisco ICM when the Real Time Feed in the Script Editor
Why Are There Four Inactive Nodes in the Script Editor Palette?
Script Editor: Unable to Open Any Cisco ICM Script
How Can I Change the Cisco ICM Web View Real-Time Report and Script Monitor Refresh Rates?
How Often Does the Internet Script Editor Poll the Server?