Register for DevNet Create: Top 3 Reasons Why – Cisco Blogs

DevNet Create is Cisco’s developer conference that has grown and changed over the years. Now in our 5th year, we are excited to bring you a 2-day virtual event that spans the globe where you’ll hear use cases, demos, and stories from each region. DevNet Create is a conference that lets application developers learn about, or even co-create, with apps and infrastructure.

I’m here to give you the top 3 reasons why you should attend DevNet Create 2021 this year. And if you need more than 3 reasons, watch this Snack Minute video interview where I sahre some of the thigns we are working on:

Learn about the upcoming Cisco’s Developer Conference: DevNet Create!

3. Don’t let Devvie travel the globe alone! We designed the 2-day event with you in mind. Join the regional event that is convenient for you. This year Create will start in the AMERICAS (Oct 19-20), move to APJC (Oct 20-21) and then EMEAR (Oct 20-21). Our community experts will dive into common use cases, developer stories and explore ideas on how to approach design, user experience, and APIs when building applications. Want to share tips for increasing performance and security or learn how to design an application to be cloud-first? We’ve got that and more.

2. Killer content & amazing community for free! Cisco DevNet Create is more than a conference – it’s a community. It’s a great opportunity to learn from others on a wide range of topics in the software development, tech for good, cloud infrastructure, and infrastructure automation space. You’ll be able to connect with others through dedicated Webex spaces, Q&A, and through social channels. Discover best practices for working with Cisco APIs, see real-world use case, and learn about efficient ways to use tools, technologies, and sandboxes. Infrastructure developers can explore leading-edge topics like Network Services Orchestrator, DevOps, Infrastructure as Code, Secure Access Service Edge, Full Stack Observability, and more. Stay tuned for a full agenda.

1. We give back and learn from each other. We’ll be bringing you direct insights from each region in addition to ideas for how we and others in the community are using Tech for Good. Check out these sessions:

  • An invitation to support LGBTQ+ communities via APIs lightning talk by Hannah Neil from Postman. Learn how Postman created a collaborative public workspace with collections, a group of API requests and examples that shows how to use APIs to locate safe bathrooms, understand policy on LGBTQ+ issues, and more.
  • Tech for Good: Could Technology Help Eliminate Bias in the Workplace of the Future? Join Al Lynn, VP of Emerging Technology & Incubation at Cisco as he outlines how technology could help eliminate bias in the workplace of the future.
  • The Importance of Visuals in Teaching Computational Design & Reducing Bias where you’ll see the visual means of applying code as an easy way to get started for new learners and those without tech backgrounds with Tadeh Hakopian from HMC.

And while Create is free, we are beyond excited to offer our community a way to give back. New this year you can donate to the DevNet Create BrightFund. You can take action with the DevNet Team to give back to promote diversity in STEM and the fight to end racism and discrimination through global education. Join us to celebrate the empowering nature of all developers.

As a special thank you, if you register for DevNet Create you’ll be entered to win a DevNet hoodie of your choice! See you there!

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