Docker Captain Take 5 – Francesco Ciulla – Docker Blog

Docker Captains are select members of the community that are both experts in their field and are passionate about sharing their Docker knowledge with others. “Docker Captains Take 5” is a regular blog series where we get a closer look at our Captains and ask them the same broad set of questions ranging from what their best Docker tip is to whether they prefer cats or dogs (personally, we like whales and turtles over here). Today, we’re interviewing Francesco Ciulla who joined the Docker Captains program last month. He is a DevOps consultant and is based in Rome.

How/when did you first discover Docker?

It was around 2015. I was very curious and started researching. The funny fact is that I didn’t have any online presence at the time so I was just studying on my own trying to figure out how it worked.

And now I know many Docker Captains, like Bret Fisher, Michael Irwin, and Gianluca Arbezzano. It’s amazing!

What is your favorite Docker command?

This is a nice question! I think I will go with “docker compose up –build”, this is exactly what you need to test your command on your development environment. Another one is docker exec, it’s very handy.

What is your top tip you think other people don’t know for working with Docker?

Many think that Docker is simply something you install on your machine, but it is much more: it is an entire service platform that offers complete end-to-end support for containerizing your applications. 

It also has the best community that exists, and this makes the difference in terms of use of a product, it is not only for the features it offers but also for the countless answers that the people who use Docker exchange with each other. 

What’s the coolest Docker demo you have done/seen ?

Personally I did a Docker Demo for the Google Developer Group Memphis about one year ago, and it was my first live webinar as a speaker! I totally loved that and I got many questions at the end!

What have you worked on in the past 6 months that you’re particularly proud of?

A few months ago, I became an Advocate developer for TinyStacks, a company which helps you to deploy your Docker application on AWS, leaving you the control of what you have deployed and started writing a series of articles and making a series of videos with them. It is an incredible experience. Our YouTube channel is where I create technical content – 

What do you anticipate will be Docker’s biggest announcement next year?

Docker Desktop becoming even more powerful and lightweight, with improved UI commands and better container monitoring and control.

What do you think is going to be Docker’s biggest challenge next year?

Giving the support for the new Business model and answer all the questions that will come from all the companies and individuals using Docker.

What are some personal goals for the next year with respect to the Docker community?

I would like to participate in the next DockerCon as a speaker. This has been one of my dreams and now I see this reachable. Another goal would be to invite Docker executives on my YouTube Channel, I have created a new format which I think would fit this!

What talk would you most love to see at DockerCon 2022?

I would like to see an in-person panel with multiple guest speakers, basically what I did during the last Docker Community All-Hands but in-person.

Looking to the distant future, what is the technology that you’re most excited about and that you think holds a lot of promise?

I am very excited about Web 3.0 and about how it will revolutionize how we use internet and our devices.

Rapid fire questions…

What new skill have you mastered during the pandemic?

Online presence and how to make videos

Cats or Dogs?


Salty, sour or sweet?


Beach or mountains?


Your most often used emoji?

 🐳 , of course

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