Multi-Cloud Podcast: State of Market Maturity – Cloud Blog – VMware

On the most recent VMware Multi-Cloud Podcast, Eric Nielsen and I sat down to have a chat with David Gehringer, co-founder of Dimensional Research.  Dimensional Research specializes in market research focused on understanding the trends affecting the technology landscape.  David recently completed a major research study for VMware that looked at the adoption of app dev and IT operational practices related to multi-cloud maturity. 

On the podcast David highlighted customer adoption findings around the eight critical areas of IT practice that correlate strongly with the ability of organizations to be successful in efforts to improve multi-cloud maturity.  Those eight core practices were introduced in a blog I published earlier this year, so I won’t recap them here.  Instead, I will highlight a few of the more noteworthy findings that we discussed on the podcast.

Origin of Apps in the Cloud

asked David about what he found when it comes to what’s running in the cloud.  When you think about it, apps running in the
cloud, got there by one of the following means. 
They were A) migrated and now run as is, or B) migrated and then
refactored in some way or C) were built net new in the cloud. Considering all
respondents, we were interested in knowing what does the typical application
portfolio look like as it relates to these three possible origin points?

What we
found is that percentage of apps that fall into each category is pretty
similar.  More or less, a third, a third and
a third.  This suggests that
organizations are very comfortable taking advantage of the cloud to support
different modernization strategies.  This
also suggests that your typical organization needs to develop strong skills
related to how quickly and efficiently they can migrate an application to the
cloud but also around rapidly building net new, modern, cloud native

Things We Take for Granted; Maybe We Shouldn’t

Much of the survey looked at how organizations were doing on adopting constructs that have been in the market for a significant amount of time.  Things like Agile and DevOps.  In both instances what we found is that organizations aren’t as far along as one might suspect.  For most lower-level practices associated with these areas, the level of adoption topped off at about 50%.  In many areas it was significantly less than even that. 

found similar results in the area of cloud governance.  Findings were pretty consistent across the
governance domains of financial management, operations, security and
compliance.  This suggest that
organizations still have a long way to go in terms of achieving substantial
competency in the area of cloud governance and that the lack of competency in
these areas presents significant operational risk to many organizations.

A New Understanding for Multi-Cloud Emerging

While we didn’t discuss this directly on the show, another very interesting finding in the survey was related to the changing understanding of the idea of multi-cloud.  It’s not a surprise that most organizations are using more than one cloud.  That data has been put forth by multiple analyst firms for several years now.  However, what you often found once you dug into that data, was that while most organizations were using more than one cloud, nearly all of the teams in a typical organization were using a single cloud – either primarily or entirely.  What we found in this most recent survey is that now teams are becoming multi-cloud. 

survey included three bellwether questions related to how teams are becoming
multi-cloud .

  • Do you have teams with team members
    that need to have skills that allow them to work across more than one cloud?
  • Are there teams that have to
    use more than one cloud to support the applications that they are responsible
  • Do you have applications that
    have been architected to have dependencies on more than one cloud?

every single one of these questions, at least 3 in 4 respondents said yes.  This suggest that multi-cloud is no longer an
abstract concept for the teams that are actually doing work in the cloud.  This also means that issues such as
multi-cloud complexity, and multi-cloud leverage, in all its forms (skills and
knowledge, tool and platform standardization) are no longer just theoretical
concerns.  As multi-cloud becomes a
reality at the team level, addressing issues of multi-cloud complexity also
becomes an urgent need.  Because of this,
adopting best practices that help to simplify multi-cloud application
development and cloud operations is becoming a much higher priority.

Get the Podcast

and I covered a lot of territory in our conversation with David.  Too much to recap in a single blog so I hope
you get a chance to check out the podcast. 
I am working on publishing an eBook that summarizes all of the research
we did in the area of multi-cloud use maturity. 
It should be forthcoming in the next few months.  Once I publish it, I’ll be sure to let
everyone know via this blog.

are links to the podcast on various channels. 
I’ve also included the playlist for the VMware multi-cloud podcast on these
same channels.  At the end of this blog you
will also find links to other blogs on the topic of multi-cloud maturity.

Links to this Podcast




Multi-Cloud Podcast Playlists

If you
are interested in other multi-cloud podcasts Eric and I have done in the past
you can find links to playlists for the VMware Multi-Cloud Podcast below:



Multi-Cloud Use Maturity Blogs

Achieving multi-cloud use maturity – new
eBook can help

Multi-Cloud Use Maturity – Competency in onboarding the cloud

Multi-Cloud Use Maturity – Leveraging cloud services

Multi-Cloud Use Maturity – Make sure DevOps practices are solid

Multi-Cloud Use Maturity – Data Center Modernization

Multi-Cloud Use Maturity – Cloud Financial Management

Multi-Cloud Use Maturity – Cloud Governance (non-financial)

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