Everything Possible. Especially Saving the Planet. – Cisco Blogs

Digitization is the solution to everything. Right? Most of the time. So, we’re inviting our partners and distributors to work with us to save our planet. And we think we can increase your profits at the same time.

Sustainability has been a priority for Cisco for many years. Most recently, our CEO Chuck Robbins pledged 100% product return and set ambitious Net Zero GHG emissions goals. And we’ll be announcing more at Partner Summit. So, if you’re a Cisco partner, don’t miss it. Register here for Cisco Partner Summit.

Digital Sustainability Challenge for All Cisco Partners

Fran Katsoudas, EVP and Chief People, Policy, and Purpose Office, will announce a program to incent partners to use Cisco technology to build sustainability solutions for their customers. Cisco’s scale and innovation are advantages in our efforts to make the world a better place for all, including a healthier earth. Our partners have played a critical role in this work, so we’re pushing if further.

The Digital Sustainability Challenge

We want partners to help customers meet their sustainability goals. Our partners are innovators, and they’re close to their customers, and we know our partners will develop solutions that will make a positive difference in the marathon to expand sustainability.

Here is how to begin. We know that Cisco partners and distributors, everywhere in the world, have created, or are in the process of creating, sustainability outcomes for their customers. If you are using Cisco technology to produce sustainability outcomes – like a smart building solution that reduces energy consumption, or a sensor grid that reduces waste – we invite you to enter those solutions into the Digital Sustainability Challenge.  Contest winners receive up to $300,000 to help accelerate their innovative solutions into the market. Review contest eligibility rules here.

Environmental Sustainability Specialization – available Spring 2022

We want to work closely with our partners on sustainability – and to this end we are launching our first partner specialization focused on the topic.  The first version of our Environmental Sustainability Specialization will focus on product take back and re-use – often referred to as circular consumption.  In a recent Canalys survey, 41% of partners said they are engaged in product take-back, recovery and recycling.  We want them to do that with us – to differentiate Cisco, help us achieve our 100% take back goals, and make good money in the process.  The specialization offers co-branded materials, guides for conversations with customers, and training in Cisco programs, including the popular Product Takeback and Reuse, Cisco Refresh, and the Circular Economy.  It’s a 15-hour program with only two exams. Why wouldn’t everyone earn this specialization? This is an outstanding opportunity to gain recognition as a business focused on sustainability and earn exclusive trade-in discounts.

New Migration Incentive – available Spring 2022


Cisco is making sustainability profitable for our partners who use our free Take Back and Reuse program – a way to help customers dispose of their legacy equipment, simply, sustainably, and securely.  We are introducing a new, highly simplified migration incentive based on Deal Registration.  Partners who have earned the Sustainability Specialization will have exclusive access to the new Migration Incentive.


Hear the Sustainability Announcements at Partner Summit 2021

Learn about the Sustainability Specialization and the Migration Incentive Discount and hear EVP Fran Katsoudas announce the Digital Sustainability Challenge. Attend the sessionNew Partner Program: Cisco Sustainability – Good for Business, Good for the Planet” (BIS07).

If you’re not registered for Cisco Partner Summit, please register now. It starts November 9.




Learn more about Cisco’s part in the Circular Economy, Take Back and Reuse, and Refresh.

We are reminded by the daily news that sustainability must be a priority for everyone. Cisco has adopted that priority whole-heartedly. So have I.
I hope you all have made sustainability your personal priority.


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