Cisco Prioritizes Being the Change – Cisco Blogs

“It’s not enough to be the best in the world. You must also be the best for the world.”

Cisco strives to prioritize good, and to continue to be grounded in their people day in and day out. I am a proud Cisconian, and trust me when I tell you, you can #LoveWhereYouWork.

I wrote the words above as I wrapped up my summer internship here at Cisco in 2020. It still rings true today. My summer as an intern was full of new experiences – but what stood out to me wasn’t necessarily the Search Engine Optimization & Partner web content I was learning and building every day. It was the “good stuff” that I was brought into: Global Affordable Internet Access proposal meetings, after school programs, volunteering for two Cisco employee nonprofits, planning charity events – you name it, Cisco does it.

When I first started at Cisco, as that fresh-faced new intern with lots of dreams and an admitted lack of direction, I discovered one thing that influenced every decision I’ve made since: Cisco continues to prioritize good. Good people, good work, doing good for the planet – the works. While I might not have known exactly where my marketing degree would take me, it was abundantly clear that I was surrounding myself with people who want to change the world.

Queue my college graduation and a quick stint living abroad, and I’m now back at Cisco!’

As I continue my career, I’ve been granted the opportunity to work in Partnerships for Rising Above the Storms (RAS), an education non-profit founded by none other than Cisco’s own Alphonsine Imaniraguha Anderson. RAS is working to instill hope and advocate for at-risk and orphaned youth through awareness, education, and empowerment.

I’ve also recently joined the Green Team Network – a group of individuals based near our Raleigh campus who invigorate sustainability efforts and education for our Raleigh-based employees. From learning about the importance of saving the bees to hearing guest speakers discuss new ways to think about sustainability, this grass roots organization has helped me to start thinking – how can I use Cisco technology to drive social impact?

Being a young adult navigating a constantly changing world is hard. There’s no way around it. Changing political landscapes, climate crises, and a declining work force are striking realities these days. For me, finding a career path that allows me to tackle these issues in real time was imperative – I wouldn’t want to be a part of a company without it. Cisco consistently strives to provide opportunities to blend personal values and passion with your work, and they hand you a group of people who are in it with you empowering you each day.

Working for Cisco means working for (and with) good people. When my mentor learned that I had studied sustainability abroad, she sent me to check out the Green Team and to get involved with Cisco Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). When I expressed an interest in inclusion and diversity, I was added into workstreams that focused on our company culture and improving the employee experience. Cisco doesn’t just talk. They listen, learn, and innovate. There’s a reason they’re one of the Best Places to Work, and I see it in action every day.

Ultimately, as I continue my journey at Cisco, I’m excited to continue to surround myself with people who think bigger than themselves, or their team, or even Cisco. Deciding where to work and who to work for is just as important, if not more important, than deciding what you want to do.

Cisco has brought me so much closer to where I want to go and helps me each day to answer the question of who I want to be. Onward and upward – let’s keep being the best in the world, for the world.


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