Harness the Power of Observability to Deliver Exceptional Digital Experiences – Cisco Blogs

Digital experiences dominate our professional and personal lives. There were nearly 1,500 digital data interactions per connected user per day in 2020, and that number is expected to more than triple to nearly 5,000 per day by 2025.1 Applications have become a way of life in our increasingly digitally connected world.  

On the personal front, we rely on apps to manage our finances, get us from A to B through online rideshares, ease our mental wellbeing through meditation and motivational apps, and so much more.   

Professionally, hybrid work has become a way of life for workforces of all roles and industries. Video and instant messaging apps keep us connected anytime and anywhere, shared data sources demand more network capacity, and, behind the scenes, an army of security applications battle to keep those digital experiences safe and secure.  

In this increasingly complicated IT world, there is a lot to watch. Hybrid cloud environments, remote workforces, and migrations to SD-WAN make for a complex and disparate infrastructure that must constantly be monitored, optimized, and maintained to provide exceptional digital experiences. AppOps, DevOps, NetOps, SecOps, and everyone in-between must be in alignment to ensure applications are performing at the highest levels, without over- or under-provisioning resources. So how do you manage what you can’t see? 

Observability and insights are the keys 

The capacity to monitor the entire IT stack, from customer-facing applications to the core network and infrastructure, is now essential for technologists who want to fix performance issues before they affect customers and the business. Today, Cisco Business Critical Services introduces three new offers designed to deliver ongoing expert guidance, trainings, and deep analytics via intuitive dashboards, which ensure agility and help you create and execute a full-stack observability strategy in your enterprise.  

Accelerate the creation and execution of your full-stack observability strategy. 


Accelerate your outcomes 

At the heart of it all are the applications and the network, and you need to make sure both are performing optimally. This is where Cisco Hybrid Application Monitoring services come in, helping you maximize your investment in AppDynamics® by tailoring it to your business needs and strategies. Your operations teams will gain unparalleled visibility into your increasing and evolving scope of applications so you can constantly evolve and improve the digital experience for your customers and workforce. 

Enhance digital experiences 

Beyond the edge of your network, where things can get squirrely, is where your customers and employees live. And when something is even a little bit off with the digital experience, it’s still your problem. Cisco Customer Digital Experience Monitoring services help you tap into the depths of AppDynamics and ThousandEyes to observe the entire digital experience all the way down to the browser, device, location, OS, and more. Your AppOps and NetOps teams will gain hop-by-hop visibility into performance and service dependencies, so they can better collaborate on improving the user experience. 

Optimize your resources 

Resource allocation is a critical aspect of delivering expectational digital experiences. Not enough, and the user experience suffers, too much, and you’re just throwing assets away. To make the most of your resources, you need real insights into what is needed, where, and when. With Cisco Hybrid Cost Optimization services, you’ll maximize your investment in AppDynamics and Intersight Workload Optimizer by tailoring them to your business needs and strategies. You’ll maximize operational efficiency and reduce public cloud costs with application insight-driven automation, gain the visibility you need to properly allocate resources across your cloud and on-prem assets, and improve service stability, all of which will reduce operational costs and increase revenue.  

Gain a partner on your full-stack observability journey 

It’s daunting, but you don’t need to take the journey alone. While there are an increasing number of tools in the market to help organizations monitor and manage the digital experience, IT organizations are still struggling with the complexity, skills gaps, and risk in implementing an observability strategy. Nearly 75 percent of global technologists say they deal with more IT complexity than ever before.2 Over 85 percent of CIOs struggle to find the talent they need in cybersecurity, cloud, and data security.3 And 70 percent of digital transformations fail.4  

At Cisco, we understand the struggles you face, and we’re ready to help you win with the value of Cisco Business Critical Services unrivaled, analytics-driven expertise. We’re the team that will help you accelerate innovation, optimize digital experiences, and achieve the outcomes you’re looking for—today. 

Visit Cisco CX Services for Full-stack Observability to learn how you can accelerate outcomes with ongoing, expert guidance at every stage in the IT lifecycle. So you can move your business forward and delight your customers with consistently superior digital experiences. 

1Statista, 2022

2AppDynamics, 2021

3Chief Executive, 2020

4McKinsey, 2019


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