E-Flex: The role of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology in a sustainable future

We can’t control time, but we can control how we fill it. Everything we do today, every hour, every minute, every second, will shape what we can do tomorrow. So, if we want to see electric vehicles reach their full potential in the future we need to change the way we use them now, starting with the energy that powers them. What if we could use the batteries of electric vehicles in a completely different way to what we know, taking unused power from them to use in other places? From charging other vehicles, to powering buildings, or even selling it back to the grid. You could save money and reduce your dependence on traditional energy networks, but more than that; if we start thinking about the power electric vehicles can provide today, we might just see a cleaner, more sustainable world.

E-Flex. Time to Power Tomorrow.

E-Flex is a London-based vehicle-to-grid demonstration project, using active electric vehicles in real-world fleets to prove the value of V2G technology. E-Flex will drive vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology from theory to commercial reality and demonstrate the role V2G can play in supporting the transition of energy demands from cities and energy services towards a zero-carbon future.

The consortium comprises world-leading expertise from seven partners from across the technology, academic, energy and public sectors, led by Cisco and including Cenex, Nuvve, the Greater London Authority, Transport for London, Imperial College London and E-Car Club.

For more information, please visit www.e-flex.co.uk


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