Spanning Tree Design Notes

Spanning Tree Design Notes



BPDU Filter
Spanning tree port fast  –> Always use BPDU Filter

BPDU Filter will filter [ NOT SEND Or Receive ]  BPDUs on the that port , usually recommended on the Port fast connected to END Hosts.

BPDU Guard====> Trunk ports —> Always  use BPDU Guard on the ROOT SWITCH doing down to the other Switch , This is to save the Root switch , instead of getting another switch as Root which can cause your network layer 2 convergence and loop may occur.
Note: BpDu guard will put the port in error disable mode if it recieves superior BPDU on the port connected to other switches.

spanning-tree up link fast==> use this when to minimize the convergence of STP for up-links connected to the ROOT SWITCH

spanning-tree backbone fast===> Use this on all switches [ Root and  non-root ] to reduce the STP up-link convergence time to the switches which are not connected DIRECTLY to the ROOT switch.


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