Learn to Code In Python at Cisco Live

June 13, 2019 … the last time I was at Cisco Live.
June 13, 2022 … the next time I set foot at Cisco Live!
It is crazy that it is going to be exactly two years between the time I last attended Cisco Live in person, but it has felt like forever. I had been attending both Cisco Live Americas and Cisco Live EMEAR for past four consecutive years, and then all of a sudden, it came to a screeching halt. As much as I appreciated having Cisco Live go virtual during the pandemic, it was just not the same. There is something special about being there in person and actually seeing an audience in front of you when presenting. I definitely miss it.
Will it be the same as before? I doubt it. Will the familiar faces come see us? I hope so. I think we have all come to realize that this is our new norm and we have to embrace it, even if it makes us nervous. It’s time to bring back the real-life human interaction that we have lost through the computer screen. Thank God for video, but it was just not the same.
I’m looking forward to getting back into the groove of in-person conferences. This year, Cisco Live US will be in Las Vegas from June 12th to 16th. Just like all the previous years, you will find me at the DevNet Zone located in the World of Solutions. At the DevNet zone, there will be technical sessions, hands-on workshops, demos, and more! It is the place to be for all developers, new and existing.
This year, I will be presenting the following sessions at the DevNet zone:
- DEVWKS-2860: Python Advanced
- DEVLIT-2792: Why everyone should learn how to code
- DEVLIT-2790: The Daily Stand-Up Show: A place where Dev and Ops can both be heard
Learn Python
Python has become one of the top 5 coding languages. It is a very powerful coding language that is easy to get started. You can do so much with Python with very little code. So, hop on the wagon and start learning Python. At the DevNet zone, we offer two Python sessions: Intro to Python and Python Advanced. The latter being taught by yours truly on Wednesday, June 15 at 10:00 AM PDT. The Python Advanced session builds on top of the concepts from the intro session. You will learn about classes, modules, inheritance, and more!
Everyone should learn how to code
Most people believe that coding is only for engineers. Although they might be correct in terms of building major applications, but many people don’t realize that learning how to code teaches life skills too. Want to learn what those life skills are? Come join me in my Why everyone should learn how to code lightning talk on Thursday, June 16 at 10:00 AM PDT, which will also be livestreamed on the Cisco DevNet YouTube channel.
Daily Stand-Up Show
Let’s be real. Most developers and operations work in silos and have difficulty communicating with each other. In reality, there is so much in common between them and sometimes they fail to see that. In the Daily Stand-Up show, my colleague Mel Delgado (SRE/Ops) and I (developer) will address the elephant in the room and take these topics head on. The Daily Stand-Up show will take place on Wednesday, June 15 at 2:30 PM PDT and will also be livestreamed on the Cisco DevNet YouTube channel, so don’t miss it!
Can’t attend Cisco Live? Don’t worry, we got you covered.
- You can watch the lightning talks from the comfort of your own home, because they will all be livestreamed and posted on the Cisco DevNet YouTube channel.
- Try our DevNet learning labs, which are self-paced online tutorials that cover a broad scope of technologies. As a matter of fact, we have a Coding & APIs learning track for those who want to learn how to code.
I’m really excited to attend Cisco Live in-person this year. Come by the DevNet Zone and say “hi!” I hope to see you there.
Join our daily livestream from the DevNet Zone during Cisco Live!
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