Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy with McAfee’s African Heritage Community | McAfee Blogs

Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King diligently dedicated his life to dismantling systemic racism affecting marginalized groups and leading a peaceful movement to promote equality for all Americans, irrespective of color and creed. He leaves behind a legacy of courage, strength, perseverance, and a life-long dedication to pursuing a fair and just world.

At McAfee, we honor the diverse voices which make up our company and encourage every team member to bring their authentic selves to the workplace. We believe that our collective voice and action can make a difference in creating a more equal and unified world. 

On this day, we commemorate MLK by honoring the man behind the message of equality. Members of the McAfee African Heritage Community share their perspectives on the impact that Martin Luther King Jr. has had on their lives and what this day means to them.  

Alexus, Software Sales Engineer

When I think about what Martin Luther King Jr. Day means to me, I think of it as a time to reflect and think about the progress we have made as citizens of this country. We have made great strides, but there is much more that needs to be done for equality and justice.

I honor Martin Luther King Jr. by being of service to others around me.

I celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by using my voice to uplift others.

Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to be a man of excellence and courage. 


Denise, People Operations Program Manager

For me, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a reminder of how far we’ve come, and how far we still have to go as a society – especially in today’s time of social unrest. Some of Dr. King’s most poignant quotes are still so applicable and impactful today. 

For example – “People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.”

I honor Martin Luther King Jr. by doing what I can to have a positive impact on the lives of others.

I celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by looking for areas to give back and serve. 

Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to do better, be better and influence the world around me accordingly. 

Kristol, Global Sales Operations Manager

MLK Jr. Day is a reminder of the influence ONE person can have on people, perspectives, and shaping a platform. It means that my voice matters and that I have a right to live my dream—a dream that we continue to fight for today. 

I honor Martin Luther King Jr. by never giving up on my dreams.

I celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by freely bringing my authentic self to work, home and the community every day. 

Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to be a courageous, strategic and compassionate leader. 

Le Var, Customer Success M

MLK Day always drives me to think about Dr. King’s dream and the work of the civil rights movement. I then look for ways I can make an impact in my local community to continue the work of those before me.

I honor Martin Luther King Jr. by passing the baton and sharing his dream to the next generation, molding my children to understand the past, and continuing to push Dr. King’s dream for future decades.

I celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by researching African American history in an effort to broaden my own knowledge and share information I’ve learned with my peers.

Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to make a positive impact on the community I live in. Much like Dr. King, I am one man who strives to be the dream of my ancestors. Individually, I can move boulders, but collectively, we can move mountains. 

Lynne, EVP of Enterprise Global Sales and Marketing and Executive Sponsor

Martin Luther King Jr. Day means a chance to celebrate the legacy of a man who was a pivotal leader of the civil rights movement, hope and healing. Though his life was a short one, his impact was great, and there are so many lessons to learn from the words that MLK Jr. has left with us.

I honor Martin Luther King Jr. by showing up as an ally who’s ready to listen and take action.

I celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by reflecting on the wise lessons shared by Martin Luther King Jr. and making it a point to have conversations about his impact.

Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to use my voice to encourage conversation, connection and community.

Learn More About Dr. King’s Mark on the World 

About The King Center 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Biography  

5 of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Most Memorable Speeches 

MLK Day Playlist: 10 Songs in Honor of Dr. King 

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