Paving the Way: Inspiring Women in Payments – A Q&A featuring Jane Goodayle


Jane Goodayle believes that unconscious bias exists in every industry. Sometimes, even just the perception of the industry as “male dominated” can discourage women from participating. In this edition of our blog, Jane explains that women can push back against unconscious bias by continuing to bring our “A” game, expose unfair stereotyping, and challenge the ‘expected and accepted’ to prompt change. She believes that encouraging more woman into the industry will change its perception and inspire younger generations to choose a career in technology.

How long have you been at PCI Pal and what is your role?

Jane Goodayle: I have been with the company for five years and my role is to build and develop the PCI Pal brand. I oversee marketing strategy and efforts to strengthen PCI Pal’s market position and achieve desired business goals.

Has your role evolved since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and how so?

Jane Goodayle: I have always worked remotely for PCI Pal, and in my previous two roles, so working from home was nothing new for me. But I have found that ‘norms’ have changed considerably; seasonality doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Traditionally, marketing can take time to evaluate and plan in months such as December and August, but since the pandemic, this is definitely not the case. We are full on 12 months of the year! I would add that the way in which our audiences consume content has changed – webinar fatigue is definitely a thing – so Covid has made us shake up the way we communicate with our global base by launching a podcast channel ‘Secure Payments’ amongst other initiatives.

How did you get started in the payments industry? What led you to that career choice?

Jane Goodayle: I started my marketing career in the travel industry nearly 20 years ago. After a few years in the travel industry, I saw a consolidation of tour operators and I made the decision to explore another vertical. I accepted an interim position with BT (British Telecom) and that led me down the path of B2B marketing, technology, contact centres, and finally payments.

Who has been your biggest role model in shaping your career path?

Jane Goodayle: There have been many people throughout my career in marketing that have had an influence on me so it’s difficult to say who is the biggest role model, but I think the biggest influence would be my mum. She always instilled in me the notion of I can be whatever I want, which I think is so important for any child, especially a little girl. I have been fortunate to work with some amazing people, especially women, that have shaped how I am as a leader today.

What is your proudest accomplishment in your career to date?

Jane Goodayle: I’m super lucky in that I have proudest moments frequently! I’m most proud of what we have achieved to date at PCI Pal. I am proud of the brand we have built, the company we are today, and every member of Team Marketing in particular. Everyone has grown within their role and within the business. Nothing makes me prouder than watching people I coach succeed.

Do you notice a lack of women in technology? If so, why do you think that is the case?

Jane Goodayle: I do notice a lack of woman in technology, and we are underrepresented in the industry. However, the ratio is changing – slowly – which I welcome. I think the perception of the technology industry as ‘male dominated’ needs to change to attract more women. Encouraging more woman into the industry will aid that transition and inspire younger generations to choose a career in technology.

Many women in the tech industry have felt that their gender has affected the way that they are perceived or treated. Is ‘unconscious bias’ holding women back in the workplace and, if so, what can women do about it?

Jane Goodayle: This is a really difficult question to answer! There is unconscious bias in every industry. I also find that gender coupled with ‘traditionally’ female dominated functions like Marketing or Human Resources can increase that unconscious bias when dealing with traditionally ‘male’ dominated functions. What can women do about this? Continue to bring our “A” game, expose unfair stereotyping, and challenge the ‘expected and accepted’ to prompt change.

What do you see as the future for women in technology roles/payments industry?

Jane Goodayle: I think the technology industry would benefit from having a ‘gender equal’ workforce. The great work women are doing needs highlighting in order to bring about a step change.

Were you given any advice during your career that has stuck with you? As a result, do you have a personal mantra or a famous quote that you live by?

Jane Goodayle: When I was starting out in marketing and was working for Thomas Cook (a large UK tour operator), a boss of mine explained the concept of ‘root and branch’: is the decision you need to make a root decision? (e.g. it could kill the tree if it is wrong). If so, these decisions need focus and thought – take your time. However, most decisions you must make are ‘branch’ (e.g. if you get them wrong, they will not affect the tree and only the branch, so make them fast, and don’t sweat them). I suppose today we would use the expression ‘fail fast’.

What advice would you impart to other women about how to succeed in the payment industry or in a technology-based field in general? What advice would you give to your younger self?

Jane Goodayle: My biggest piece of advice would be don’t worry what people think of you. It is so important to do your best and be you but let others deal with their own dramas. There are lots of things you can’t control so let those go and concentrate and improve on what you can, which is namely you and your actions.


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