How much advantage does edge offer? And how are organizations using it?

Organizations are fast discovering the business benefits of edge solutions, such as edge computing. Real-time data processing is enabling them to make faster decisions, secure their assets (both physical and virtual), and gain better control over their operations.

It all sounds attractive, but you may wonder to what extent edge computing actually provides an advantage – and how exactly organizations are using this technology. The answers can all be found in the 2023 Edge Advantage Report. The research carried out by Omdia, in collaboration with NTT and Intel, provides insights from the perspective of organizations that have adopted edge computing.

The report is the result of interviews with over 600 organizations that have invested in edge solutions, across 17 countries and five major industry groups. As well as revealing how these organizations have invested in edge solutions, it outlines four distinct journeys to edge computing and provides guidance on effective partnerships with edge-as-a-service providers.

Pushing computing to the edge

As Caroline Chan, Intel Vice President and General Manager, Network Business Incubator Division, points out: “Organizations face a pressing need to embrace agile, scalable networks to meet the ever-growing demands of modern use cases. By pushing computing to the network edge, closer to the data’s origin and consumption, enterprises can unlock actionable insights that pave the way for monetization opportunities and operational savings.”

More specifically, she notes: “With edge connectivity such as private 5G, enterprises can leverage the benefits of increased speed, lower latency, improved network traffic management, enhanced security features, and the agility to scale and capitalize on every data point.”

Real benefits, right now

Download the report to see how edge adopters are already experiencing tangible benefits from their edge investment. Results are consistent across industries and countries: over 80% of organizations state that their edge investments are meeting expectations. Some 88% recognize 5G as an important enabler, with those combining private 5G with edge computing reporting the highest benefits.

Implementing edge is easier said than done

Globally, organizations invest in edge computing for three main reasons: to automate processes, to integrate AI into their operations, and to leverage real-time data. However, achieving these goals requires tight orchestration of hardware, platforms, systems and devices, as well as consistent operational performance without compromising security. Legacy infrastructure and technical debt also pose challenges.

It’s not surprising, then, than an overwhelming majority (94%) of organizations are collaborating with partners to ensure the success of their edge computing initiatives, with 90% of surveyed organizations saying they’d ideally prefer to consume diverse managed edge services from a single partner.

Almost 90% of organizations expect their reliance on third-party edge services to grow in the next two years, largely because internal expertise in IoT platforms, edge-solution design and management is limited. What’s more, edge adopters cite fragmented management of computing, connectivity, and IoT devices as a drawback.

How to unlock the edge advantage

To unlock the powerful outcomes that edge can deliver, organizations must navigate a number of key stages. The report highlights five of these which are essential for any business looking to achieve the edge advantage:

1. Engage stakeholders to identify needs: Involve the users of edge solutions in the design process. Their understanding of processes and pain points will be crucial in identifying, validating and championing use cases.

2. Develop a roadmap: Align short-, medium-, and long-term objectives with business goals rather than focusing solely on the technology.

3. Prepare effectively: To deploy edge solutions successfully, you need to understand the types of in-house data involved, the existing data architecture, and application-performance requirements.

4. Consider the financial options: Assess the benefits and risks of capital expenditure (capex) and operational expenditure (opex) investments, and evaluate whether you have the necessary in-house skills to manage the solution.

5. Establish success criteria: Evaluate suppliers based on their ability to understand your business needs and deliver results that align with your key metrics.

These insights provide a glimpse into how organizations are gaining a competitive edge through edge computing. The report also explores various approaches to edge computing and how organizations are experiencing improved performance, new capabilities and reduced risk as a result.

Download the 2023 Edge Advantage Report.

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