Publisher’s Spotlight: Dataminr: Real-time AI for Event and Risk Detection

Dataminr delivers the earliest warnings on high impact events, emerging risks, threats, and other critical information far in advance of other sources. Recognized as one of the world’s leading AI businesses, Dataminr enables faster response, more effective mitigation and stronger crisis management for public and private sector organizations spanning global corporations, first responders, NGOs, and newsrooms. Most recently valued at $4.1B, Dataminr is one of New York’s top private technology companies, with approximately 800 employees across seven global offices.

“An unexpected event can occur anywhere at any moment. Organizations need an early and clear line of sight into developing situations, with context, to enhance decision-making as an incident unfolds. Forward-thinking organizations recognize the power of leveraging best-in-class AI technologies to effectively navigate the external threat and risk landscape, and with Dataminr, they can detect these threats and risks at a global scale.

Publisher’s Spotlight: Dataminr: Real-time AI for Event and Risk Detection

For example, on May 7th 2021, Dataminr detected the first indications of an attack on the Colonial Pipeline – social media chatter from operators who were experiencing first-hand fuel distribution disruptions to their on-the-ground operations. Dataminr also detected when the Darkside Ransomware group behind the incident posted their first public claim of the attack on the dark web, ” said Jason Edelboim, the President of Dataminr.

Publisher’s Spotlight: Dataminr: Real-time AI for Event and Risk Detection

Since its founding, Dataminr has created the world’s leading real-time information discovery platform, which detects digital signals from within the public data landscape. Today, Dataminr’s advanced AI platform performs trillions of daily computations across billions of public data inputs from nearly one million unique public data sources. The company has been recognized for its groundbreaking AI platform and rapid revenue growth by Forbes AI 50 and Deloitte Fast 500 and has been named to the Forbes Cloud 100 for six consecutive years.

“In the past, I would get emails from executives asking about an incident and whether it had any impact on the company. I had very little information. It was such a disadvantage for me because I didn’t have the critical information at my fingertips,” said Jeff DiPrimio, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals’ Senior Director of Global Security and Building Operations. “Now, Dataminr has put us in a much better position to respond to executives who ask us about [an event]. I can share the impact of the situation and our response plans.”(Case Study)

“Dataminr has been a critical partner in introducing this real-time alerting capability into the work of the UN. Having real-time awareness of what is happening around us wherever we work is a core capability for informing real-time humanitarian and crisis response,” said Robert Kirkpatrick, Director, UN Global Pulse. (Case Study)

Dataminr’s corporate products span Pulse for Corporate Security and Pulse for Cyber Risk – making Pulse a true enterprise security offering – a first-of-its-kind cross-functional product that enables CISOs and CSOs and their teams to maintain a common operating picture of cross-domain threats spanning the cyber and physical domains. Dataminr provides its First Alert product for first response to public sector organizations, including the United Nations, which relies on First Alert in over 100 countries. Dataminr for News is used by more than 1,500 newsrooms and over 30,000 journalists worldwide.  Learn more about them at

About the Publisher

Gary Miliefsky, Publisher & AuthorGary Miliefsky is an internationally recognized cybersecurity expert, bestselling author and keynote speaker. He is a Founding Member of the US Department of Homeland Security, served on the National Information Security Group and served on the OVAL advisory board of MITRE responsible for the CVE Program. He founded and is the Publisher of Cyber Defense Magazine since 2012. Visit Gary online at:

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