CSO30 Awards: Introducing the top 30 security leaders in the UAE

In a world where digital threats loom large, cybersecurity leadership has become paramount. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), with its burgeoning digital landscape, is no exception. Recognizing the crucial role of cybersecurity leaders in safeguarding the nation’s digital infrastructure, the first edition of the CSO30 Awards recently took place in Dubai, showcasing the cream of the crop in the field.

The inaugural CSO30 Awards event in Dubai was not only a celebration of cybersecurity excellence but also a resounding success in its own right. Attended by key stakeholders from government, business, and academia, the event provided a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among cybersecurity professionals.

The CSO30 Awards are aligned with Foundry’s global awards program and are viewed as a mark of excellence within the enterprise. In 2021, CIO Middle East launched the first edition of the CIO50 Awards in the region, honouring transformational, inspirational, and enduring CIOs at both in-country and regional levels across the Middle East.

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