Cryptographic Protocol Challenges

By Milica D. Djekic

The communication protocol is an information exchange method where data are transferred only if two or more networking devices deal with a set of the rules being in a strict order and provide an access to those willing to cope with a previously defined coding algorithm that is applied to obtain a data transmission only if all sent and received bits within a digital system are as commanded. The entire technology of producing communication protocols can be quite costy and time-consuming as there is a strong need for engineers, developers and data scientists that must make something functional and cost-effective for a reasonable period of time getting in such a way an optimal software or hardware which will allow a griding only if there is a totally predicted condition for such a querying exchange, so far. On the other hand, in a case of the cryptographic protocols it is needed to have a crypto-queries making such a communication and some brief insights regarding that solution are given in this paper trying to explain how it is feasible to offer something that will truly operate in an accurate and efficient manner.

Throughout a time, there have been a number of protocols which are not seriously correlated with the modern technological landscape, but more likely a physical domain starting from military behavior models, over some parade ceremonies unless ICT infrastructure brining to the global communities an entire new wave of industrial, business and social endeavors, so far. The major thing with the protocols and protocoling dealing is a certain set of rules must be applied in order to satisfy some condition which will further let those being involved in such a ceremony obtain what it is really needed to be done. The overall Universe functions by the laws of mathematics and physics and it’s not unusual to notice such rules among some biological systems which also vibrate as the nature makes them to do so and indeed, that sort of findings have inspired a total engineering community to via investigating the living things use some of such collected ideas to provide a completely novel multidisciplinary approach to some of their advancements making a well-balanced synergy between natural and social sciences. Apparently, cryptology is a field which makes a union of the cryptography and cryptanalysis giving an opportunity to researchers and practitioners in that area to do their best in order to design a fully innovative cryptosystem which can transform a series of the bits from plaintext into ciphertext, send such an encrypted message to its destination and finally decrypt it once the information is gathered, so far. In other words, in a sense of the behavior modelling science, a computer engineering also follows that logics to get defined how some of their objects will behave in a technical fashion making a clear linkage between several disciplines of the science.

The protocoling behavior is something which exists since the ancient times as it has always been a need to cope with some rules putting stuffs into order and organizing some everyday activities in a logical fashion as some of the first cryptosystems had been made with that epoch in a history, so far. Next, even in those times there had been some message protection tools which served for an army secret communication, while with the World War 2 there have existed some technical cryptosystems which have dealt with a key distribution challenge and as it is well-known, such a practice is present even nowadays as the majority of the military forces still rely on a key cryptography looking for good mathematical models, as well as encryption algorithms. In addition, there is also a shift from key to strong encryption as some experiences suggest that the world is yet on a search for the perfect secrecy being a cryptography which could genuinely change a defense landscape being available today. On the other hand, the communication protocols being accessible at the present cope with an electronic signal either analog or digital and in such a sense, some data transfer within networking devices is possible only if all members of the grid behave in a flawlessly ceremonial manner attempting to allow a communication between objects only if a fully accuracy of the exchanged protocol messages is accomplished, so far. Also, if there is a word about the cryptographic protocols it is obvious that in such a case, the devices in a grid talk using encrypted signal and if all bits fit perfectly the data transmission will be allowed. In that case, it is necessary to figure out that those systems deal with crypto-queries that are encrypted at sending spot and decrypted at some destination letting some ciphertext to be pushed through the protocol communication.

In other words, such a behavior will be assured from those trying to cope with so externally and any opponent watching so from an outside will not be in position to read that questioning and at least to make some connecting with the network dealing with a cryptographically protected protocol which means those objects will behave in the gloves making their dealing being hidden from the rest of the audience. Indeed, that kind of the communication can be illustrated with the courier’s sending of the message where any receiving of the letter must be confirmed seeking from the receiver a proof of the trust in order to get delivered such information, so far. Further, if the courier is not getting accurate feedback the message will not be distributed and in other words, if one device in the network cannot have a rapport with another object in the grid no data transfer will be allowed. Moreover, if a protocoling between some networking is good, signal will go through, while if not those objects will never talk to one another, so far.

It seems there was a long time from the very first ancient cryptographic tools until this modern practice which mainly relies on some engineering capacities transmitting either open or encrypted signals via some communication systems giving a chance to those taking advantage over such abilities to recognize each other’s behavior within some information transmission solution. In other words, communication protocols can be assumed as a way of the appropriate dealing and only if both sides are happy with one another’s manners, they will make a communication, while if not – they will remain silent about each other even if they can cope with each one face-to-face. In other words, if everything is not in a perfect condition, the message will not go on to anyone. The main challenge with the modern communication protocol is it can be pretty vetting-requiring to design such software or hardware as those dealing with cryptology must be highly knowledgeable and very experienced to get entrusted with such a project as only well-confirmed persons with a plenty of the skills are capable to obtain such a task, so far. Hence, it is needed to think a bit about how it works in a digital system designing a two-way communication counting on the arrays of the bits which travel through the information packets and truly need a great degree of the knowing of the data science and programming in order to make everything being operatable and accurate. Finally, the main imperative with the ongoing data science, computer engineering and coding algorithms is to gain a strong application with cryptology getting in mind all pluses and minuses of the current both – cryptography and cryptanalysis which must be used in a totally rational and responsible way as those creating a highly sophisticated weapon should undoubtedly think about an adequate counter-weapon letting those using both of them stay safe and secure at the same glance.

About The Author    

Milica D. Djekic is an Independent Researcher from Subotica, the Republic of Serbia. She received her engineering background from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade. She writes for some domestic and overseas presses and she is also the author of the books “The Internet of Things: Concept, Applications and Security” and “The Insider’s Threats: Operational, Tactical and Strategic Perspective” being published in 2017 and 2021 respectively with the Lambert Academic Publishing. Milica is also a speaker with the BrightTALK expert’s channel. She is the member of an ASIS International since 2017 and contributor to the Australian Cyber Security Magazine since 2018. Milica’s research efforts are recognized with Computer Emergency Response Team for the European Union (CERT-EU), Censys Press, BU-CERT UK and EASA European Centre for Cybersecurity in Aviation (ECCSA). Her fields of interests are cyber defense, technology and business. Milica is a person with disability.

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