A Finance Journalist Fell Victim to a $50K Vishing Scam – Are You Also at Risk? | McAfee Blog

In a world where digital communication dominates, the art of scamming has evolved into a sophisticated game of deception. A recent story in The Cut featured a seasoned personal finance journalist falling prey to an Amazon scam call and being duped out of a staggering $50,000. The story serves as a stark reminder that anyone, regardless of their expertise or background, can become a victim of vishing. Short for “voice phishing,” vishing is a form of cybercrime where scammers use phone calls to deceive individuals into revealing personal or financial information. 

Contrary to common belief, it’s not just the elderly or technologically naive who fall victim to such schemes. One national survey found that only 15% of Gen Z and 20% of millennials express concern about falling victim to financial fraud. However, the Federal Trade Commission paints a different picture, indicating that younger adults are over four times more likely to report losing money to fraud than older adults. This dissonance highlights the need for heightened awareness and education across all age groups. 

Types of vishing 

Vishing is a form of fraud that exploits the trust we place in phone calls. It operates through various strategies, all aimed at tricking victims. For example, wardialing involves automated systems dialing phone numbers to find vulnerable targets. VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, allows scammers to make calls over the internet, often making it harder to trace them.  

Caller ID spoofing is another tactic where scammers manipulate the caller ID to display a trusted or familiar number, tricking recipients into answering. These techniques create a false sense of legitimacy, making it difficult for individuals to distinguish between real and fraudulent calls.  

Why vishing has gotten more effective  

Vishing exploits trust and naivety to obtain sensitive information or conduct unauthorized transactions. Humans have always been vulnerable to scams, but the abundance of personal data available on the dark web, obtained from various data breaches and leaks, has significantly heightened the threat. For example, LinkedIn experienced a data breach in 2021 that exposed data from 700 million users on a dark web forum. 

A data breach like that presents scammers with a treasure trove of details about potential victims, enabling them to personalize their attacks with alarming precision. By incorporating specific details gleaned from these data sources, scammers can craft convincing narratives and establish a false sense of trust and credibility with their targets. Consequently, even individuals who exercise caution in safeguarding their personal information may find themselves vulnerable to vishing scams.  

How to mitigate the threat 

As a result, individuals must remain vigilant and adopt comprehensive security practices. Familiarizing oneself with the telltale signs of a scam call is the first line of defense. Be wary of:  

  • Unsolicited calls: Be cautious of unexpected phone calls, especially if they request personal or financial information. 
  • Requests for sensitive information: Legitimate organizations typically don’t ask for sensitive information like Social Security numbers, passwords, or bank account details over the phone. 
  • Pressure tactics: Scammers often create a sense of urgency or fear to prompt immediate action, such as claiming your account is in danger or you’ll face legal consequences. 
  • Caller ID inconsistencies: If the caller ID seems suspicious or doesn’t match the organization they claim to represent, it could be a sign of spoofing.  
  • Unusual requests or offers: Be suspicious of unusual requests, such as asking you to pay fees upfront to claim a prize or offering unsolicited services or products. 

If an unsolicited call seems suspicious, hang up the phone. Verify the caller’s legitimacy through independent channels, such as contacting the organization directly using a trusted phone number. In addition to recognizing signs of scam calls, implementing call-blocking technologies or screening unknown numbers can reduce exposure to potential scams. McAfee Mobile Security’s call blocker feature can be employed to diminish the volume of incoming calls. 

The alarming reality is that vishing knows no bounds and can affect any age or demographic. The unfortunate ordeal of the seasoned journalist losing $50,000 serves as a sobering reminder of the perils lurking behind seemingly innocuous phone calls. Vishing demands vigilance and awareness. Security software and apps can significantly increase the overall security of your phone by detecting and preventing various threats, such as malware, phishing attempts, and unauthorized access to sensitive information. 

By adopting proactive measures, we can fortify our defenses against vishing scams and safeguard our financial well-being. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and stay protected. 


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