Aryaka to build new points of presence as enterprises shift to SaaS

Secure access service edge (SASE) and SD-WAN provider Aryaka is set to open 27 new points of presence in 21 countries and 15 major metropolitan areas, with the goal of delivering low-latency services to a broader potential client base.

Aryaka’s AppAssure routing and application performance solution will be present in all new and current POPs, providing SaaS-based application delivery across its network, according to a company announcement. Aryaka said it will also support wireless last-mile connectivity worldwide.

The changes were being made to accommodate a more distributed enterprise computing market, and an accelerating shift to SaaS usage, according to Renuka Nadkarni, the company’s chief product officer.

“There are steady increases in SaaS deployment models, public cloud spending, and use of internet WAN across businesses of all sizes, and our POP investment sets the foundation that our customers and future customers will need to be successful in a constantly evolving business landscape,” Nadkarni said in a press release.

Aryaka aims to deliver managed services

Aryaka is seen as an ambitious player in the SD-WAN and SASE marketplace, according to IDC research manager Brandon Butler. The company is attempting to build a portfolio that includes not just network infrastructure and security, but managed services delivered on top, as well, in contrast to competitors like Cisco, VMware and Versa.

“In a way, Aryaka is providing some services that enterprises might [otherwise] work with telcos to get,” Butler said. “Things like managing the underlying WAN connectivity or managing the lifecycle of the deployment.”

Aryaka’s buildout plan, he added, is part of the company’s more broad-based approach to the market — making not just networking and security services available more widely, but also offering potential customers a way into the company’s L2 and L3 backbone to access managed services.

“They’re not the only one who’s taken this kind of POP approach,” Butler said. “But Aryaka has combined that with the managed services to go along with it.”

New North American locations for Aryaka’s expansion include hyperscale POPs in Vancouver, Minneapolis, Montreal, Las Vegas, Denver and Mexico City, while Aryaka also plans to open similar facilities in Santiago de Chile in South America, as well as Manchester, Madrid, Copenhagen, Milan, Istanbul, Stockholm and Warsaw in Europe. In Asia, the company will expand to Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Melbourne, Osaka and Auckland.

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