August 2022 Newsletter – Docker

News you can use and monthly highlights:

6 Docker Compose Best Practices for Dev and Prod – Give your development team a quick knowledge boost with these tips and best practices for using Docker Compose in development and production environments.

Docker Multistage Builds for Hugo – Learn how to keep your Docker container images nice and slim with the use of multistage builds for a hugo documentation project.

How to create a dockerized Nuxt 3 development environment – Learn how Docker simplifies and accelerates the Nuxt.js development workflow. It can also help you build a bleeding-edge, local web app while ensuring consistency between development and production.

Optimize Dockerfile images for NextJS – Is the size of your Next.js Docker image impacting your overall CI/CD pipeline? Here’s an article that’ll help you to improve the development and production lifecycle by optimizing your Docker images efficiently.

Building and Testing Multi-Arch Images with Docker Buildx and QEMU – Building Docker images for multiple architectures has become increasingly popular. This guide walks you through how to build a Docker image for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 using Docker Buildx. It’ll also walk you through using QEMU to emulate an ARM environment for multiple platform builds.

Implementation And Containerization Of Microservices Using .NET Core 6 And Docker – This article helps you create microservices using the .NET Core 6 Web API and Docker. It’ll also walk you through how to connect them using Ocelot API Gateway.

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