This agentic AI platform claims to speed development from 'months to days'

This agentic AI platform claims to speed development from 'months to days'

piranka/Getty Images Agentic AI is on the rise — some reports predict that 25% of businesses will deploy it next year (whether they’re ready to or not). AI company Blitzy believes it has the autonomous powerhouse to keep up, without sacrificing human oversight.  On Wednesday, the Massachusetts-based company announced Blitzy Platform, an agentic system that “batch-builds up to 300,000 lines of code in a single 8-hour inference run, cutting end-to-end development timelines from months to days.”…

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IT/OT convergence propels zero-trust security efforts

IT/OT convergence propels zero-trust security efforts

Strategic principles of zero trust for OT EMA’s new zero-trust research, based on a survey of 270 IT professionals, found that IT/OT convergence correlates with a different approach to this security model. For instance, the top two guiding principles of zero-trust initiatives in general are (1) preventing unauthorized access and (2) preventing zero trust from negatively impacting network performance and user experience. With OT-focused zero trust, enterprises are less concerned about network performance impacts. Instead,…

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Meta Hit with Massive $263m GDPR Fine

Meta Hit with Massive 3m GDPR Fine

Meta has been fined €251m ($263m) by the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) for a massive 2018 data breach which impacted around 29 million Facebook accounts. The incident in question arose between September 14-28 2018, when unauthorized individuals exploited a vulnerability in the social media platform’s “View As” feature, enabling them to log on as the account holder.  A wealth of account holder information was compromised, including full names, email addresses, phone numbers, locations, places of…

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How to use Apple's Genmoji to create your own custom emoji

How to use Apple's Genmoji to create your own custom emoji

Screenshot by Lance Whitney/ZDNET Those who like to spice up text messages with emojis may get tired of using the same old generic images. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could create your own emojis? Now, you can, if you own an iPhone or iPad that supports Apple Intelligence. Unveiled in iOS/iPadOS 18.2, a new feature called Genmoji lets you cook up your custom emoji. Just describe the character or object you envision, and Apple’s…

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European Commission Opens TikTok Election Integrity Probe

European Commission Opens TikTok Election Integrity Probe

The European Commission has launched a new investigation into whether TikTok contravened the Digital Services Act (DSA) by allowing foreign actors to interfere in recent Romanian elections. A second round of voting in the presidential election was cancelled by the courts earlier this month after unknown independent and Putin-admirer Calin Georgescu surged into an unexpected lead. Tens of thousands of accounts were activated suddenly just weeks before first round voting began, according to declassified intelligence reports that…

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CIS Control 08: Audit Log Management

CIS Control 08: Audit Log Management

Audit logs provide a rich source of data critical to preventing, detecting, understanding, and minimizing the impact of network or data compromise in a timely manner. Collection logs and regular reviews are useful for identifying baselines, establishing operational trends, and detecting abnormalities. In some cases, logging may be the only evidence of a successful attack. CIS Control 8 emphasizes the need for centralized collection and storage and standardization to better coordinate audit log reviews. Some industries have…

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Managing NERC CIP Patching Process With Tripwire Enterprise and Tripwire

Managing NERC CIP Patching Process With Tripwire Enterprise and Tripwire

One of the hardest parts of managing an organization’s cybersecurity is patch management.Just as one patch cycle is completed, another set of patches are released. When compounded with the highly regulated energy industry, governed by the NERC CIP Standards, the task becomes even more daunting. Fortunately, Fortra’s Tripwire Enterprise (TE) and Tripwire State Analyzer (TSA) can ease the process. Some of the specified requirements align directly with the capabilities of TE, For example, the rationale section…

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Iberdrola se alza con el premio al Mejor Proyecto de Transformación del Puesto de Trabajo en los ‘CIO 100 Awards’

Iberdrola se alza con el premio al Mejor Proyecto de Transformación del Puesto de Trabajo en los ‘CIO 100 Awards’

La digitalización ha traído consigo nuevas formas de trabajo bajo el propósito de ganar en productividad, facilitar la conciliación de las plantillas o evolucionar la operativa de negocio a partir de metodologías ágiles. Muestra de ello, la iniciativa InWoW –Iberdrola new ways of working-, reconocida en el marco de los CIO 100 Awards Spain 2024 como Mejor Proyecto de Transformación del Puesto de Trabajo. Margarita Fernández de Prada, directora de Transformación digital de la energética,…

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이유 있는 투자 급증··· 2024년의 양자 컴퓨팅 이정표 11선

이유 있는 투자 급증··· 2024년의 양자 컴퓨팅 이정표 11선

보스턴 컨설팅에 따르면 현재의 ‘노이즈가 많은 중간 규모의 양자’ 시대는 2030년까지 지속될 전망이다. 현 단계에서는 양자 컴퓨터의 큐비트 수가 너무 적고 오류가 너무 많아 그저 알고리즘을 테스트하고 다른 예비 연구를 수행하는 용도로만 활용 가능하다. 광범위한 양자 우위는 약 2030년부터 2040년에야 가능해질 전망이다. 이 리서치 회사는 그 시점에 최종 사용자가 연간 총 800억 달러에서 1,700억 달러의 가치를 창출할 것으로 예측했다. 이어 2040년에는 본격적인 내결함성 시대에 접어들며 최종 사용자는 연간 4,500억~8,500억 달러의 가치를 창출할 전망이다. 이는 양자…

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SK쉴더스, AI 기반 보안 기업 시큐레이어 인수

SK쉴더스, AI 기반 보안 기업 시큐레이어 인수

SK쉴더스는 이달 초 공정거래위원회 기업결합 심사 최종 승인을 받아 시큐레이어 인수 절차를 마무리했다고 설명했다. SK쉴더스는 유효 지분 66.7%를 취득해 시큐레이어를 자회사로 편입한다. SK쉴더스에 따르면 이번 인수는 EQT파트너스와 SK스퀘어가 SK쉴더스를 공동 경영하기 시작한 이후 첫 대규모 투자다. SK쉴더스는 이번 인수가 정보보안 시장 내의 새로운 활성화 동력이 될 것으로 기대하고 있다. SK쉴더스는 이번 인수와 함께 자사 보안관제 플랫폼 ‘시큐디움’(Secudium)을 AI, SOAR, XDR 등 최신 기술 기반의 원격 보안 관제 서비스가 가능하도록 고도화하고 있다. 특히 시큐레이어의 데이터 분석…

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