London’s CNI is Under Threat

London’s CNI is Under Threat

London is one of the smartest and most interconnected cities in the world. Digital infrastructure plays a role in almost every facet of society, streamlining public transport, improving healthcare provision, boosting sustainability, and more. However, this reliance on technology has left London’s critical national infrastructure (CNI) perilously vulnerable to digital attacks. As geopolitical relationships deteriorate and nation-state threats to critical infrastructure increase, the UK can no longer ignore this problem. The Impact of Critical National…

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How the Cyber Essentials Certification Can Help Your Business

How the Cyber Essentials Certification Can Help Your Business

Cybersecurity is a vital concern for organisations, but many security strategies fall short: recent research shows that 44% of UK companies are lacking in basic cybersecurity skills. The consequences of poor security go far beyond the direct impacts of cyberattacks, and the benefits of effective security are numerous as well. Unfortunately, it can be extremely complicated and difficult to cover all angles and vectors of attack, protect large and spread-out attack surfaces, and maintain compliance with…

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The Magic Mouse's fatal flaw is finally being fixed

The Magic Mouse's fatal flaw is finally being fixed

Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET The Apple Magic Mouse is a great option for users for multiple reasons, including its sleek finish, seamless integration into the company’s ecosystem, and trackpad-like touch gestures. However, since its launch, it has had a big flaw: the placement of its charging port on the bottom of the mouse.  Also: Lost luggage? Apple AirTag users can now share location with these airlines The location of the charging port means that if your mouse…

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All Major European Financial Firms Suffer Supplier Breaches

All Major European Financial Firms Suffer Supplier Breaches

Third and fourth-party ecosystems have emerged as a major source of security risk, after new research highlighted that all (100%) of Europe’s biggest financial services companies suffered a breach via their suppliers in the past year. SecurityScorecard assessed the region’s top companies by market capitalization. It gathered “significant amounts of non-intrusive data” on their security posture, in order to grade them (A-F) “based on 10 factors that are predictive of a security breach.” Only a…

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US moves to tighten restrictions on China Telecom amid security fears

US moves to tighten restrictions on China Telecom amid security fears

Considering the high volume of transactions in the telecom industry, identifying a small number of targeted fraudulent operations can be extremely challenging. The sustainability of the digital environment and ecosystem relies heavily on the trust it provides to its stakeholders. Services such as telecom, cloud, and routing may have visibility into the data they process, but it becomes a significant concern if the service provider is not trustworthy. “Due to world trade agreements, it will…

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AWS 홍보 전략? 소신 발언?··· 아마존 CISO의 MS 365 도입 중단 결정 두고 업계 평가 엇갈려

AWS 홍보 전략? 소신 발언?··· 아마존 CISO의 MS 365 도입 중단 결정 두고 업계 평가 엇갈려

아마존 보안 기준 통과 못한 MS 제품 모세스는 “오피스 365와 관련된 모든 보안 조치를 철저히 검토했으며, 아마존 내부 서비스팀과 동일한 엄격한 기준을 적용했다”고 강조했다. 모세스는 현재 마이크로소프트의 보안, 컴플라이언스, ID 및 관리 부문 총괄 부사장(EVP)인 찰리 벨과 이전부터 인연이 있다. 벨은 아마존에서 23년 이상 재직하며 AWS 수석 부사장(SVP)까지 지낸 인물로, 당시 모세스는 그의 부하직원이었다. 모세스가 블룸버그에 밝힌 내용에 따르면, 아마존은 앱 사용자의 적절한 인증 여부를 확인하는 도구의 수정을 요청했으며, 사용자 접속 후에는 자동화 시스템을 통해…

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소프트뱅크 손정의, 트럼프 차기 정부에 100조원대 투자 약속

소프트뱅크 손정의, 트럼프 차기 정부에 100조원대 투자 약속

트럼프는 플로리다 자택에서 개최한 기자간담회에서 이번 소프트뱅크의 투자로 최소 10만 개의 신규 일자리가 창출될 것이며, 주로 AI 및 AI 관련 인프라 분야에 집중될 것이라고 설명했다. 트럼프는 보도자료를 통해 “이번 투자로 이른바 ‘트럼프 효과’를 실현할 수 있을 것”이라고 강조했다. 다만 소프트뱅크의 실제 현금 보유액이 1,000억 달러에 미치지 못하는 것으로 파악된다. 뉴욕타임즈는 익명의 소식통을 인용해 “실제 투자금은 소프트뱅크의 자체 자금과 여러 파트너사와 공동 출자를 통해 조성될 것”이라고 보도했다. 소프트뱅크는 과거 트럼프 1기 행정부 시절에도 대규모 투자를 진행한…

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Best practices for risk mitigation and mail threat detection

Best practices for risk mitigation and mail threat detection

In today’s world, where socio-economic and political issues have lead to an increasing number of serious threats from foreign and domestic actors, ensuring workplace safety and physical security has become of paramount importance.  Recent events surrounding the 2024 election, where controversial comments served to accelerate preexisting political divisions, highlighted by societal issues related to anti-Semitic hate crimes and amplified by major international conflicts between Russia-Ukraine and Israel and the Palestinians. These ongoing issues provide increasing…

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OpenAI continues to get pushback, but only stands to gain from going for-profit

OpenAI continues to get pushback, but only stands to gain from going for-profit

Ownership wars of the largest-ever economic engine Inbar pointed out that in the AI world, there is no “fair” competition or second-best — it’s a winner-take-all situation. “Imagine a race to get up and down a slide,” he said. “The first to get to the top of the slide may be just inches ahead of the others, but the moment they start sliding, the gap opened is so much larger than the inches at the…

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12 Days of Learning to Hustle in the New Year

12 Days of Learning to Hustle in the New Year

AI, multicloud, cybersecurity…the tech landscape is evolving faster than ever. If you aren’t up to speed on the skills that matter most in today’s market, you’re missing a huge opportunity—one that could skyrocket your resume to the top of the stack, whether you’re competing for a new role or as a new hire. We invite you to join us for 12 days of skill-building that could transform your 2025. Make sure you scroll all the…

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