La falta de formación no merma la concepción estratégica de la IA

La falta de formación no merma la concepción estratégica de la IA

No obstante, el informe también subraya que existen preocupaciones latentes respecto a la seguridad. Y es que los ciberataques se posicionan como la principal amenaza, seguidos por la falta de protección de datos y el desempleo, cuestiones que siembran la incertidumbre en una sociedad cada vez más dependiente de la digitalización. El riesgo a perder el empleo debido a la llegada de la IA es muy elevado en España, donde un 60% lo considera alto….

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Lazarus Group Targets Bitdefender Researcher with LinkedIn Job Scam

Lazarus Group Targets Bitdefender Researcher with LinkedIn Job Scam

The North Korean Lazarus group has attempted to target a Bitdefender researcher using the lure of a fake job offer via LinkedIn. Bitdefender recognized this as a sophisticated malicious campaign which specifically targeted software developers and played out the attack within a sandbox environment. Alina Bizga, Security Analyst at Bitdefender, told Infosecurity that the firm’s employee engaged with the fake recruitment campaign to observe how it worked, knowing that there have been cases where job…

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Amazon's gen AI-powered Alexa is coming – how much it could cost you

Amazon's gen AI-powered Alexa is coming – how much it could cost you

ZDNET Amazon might soon reveal the next generation of Alexa, one equipped with AI skills. At a press event scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 26, the company reportedly will introduce the long-delayed and much-anticipated Alexa generative AI voice service, Reuters said on Wednesday. The new generative Alexa Citing intel from three people familiar with the matter and an internal planning document, Reuters reported that Amazon executives have a “Go/No-go” meeting slated for Feb. 14. That meeting will…

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Spy vs spy: Security agencies help secure the network edge

Spy vs spy: Security agencies help secure the network edge

“By following the minimum levels of observability and digital forensics baselines outlined in this guidance, device manufacturers and their customers will be better equipped to detect and identify malicious activity against their solutions,” it said. “Device manufacturers should also use it to establish a baseline of standard features to include in the architecture of network devices and appliances, to facilitate forensic analysis for network defenders.” Australia took the lead on two documents: Mitigation Strategies for…

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Binary Cryptology with the Internet of Things Communication

Binary Cryptology with the Internet of Things Communication

The home and office-based internet is a quite cheap resource that is everything, but not reliable and trusted as it is possible conducting a cyber-attack from anywhere and anytime, so far. Also, the other sorts of the wireless web information transfer such as mobile and satellite girds are with suitable pricing, but yet without any kind of the stable security. The greatest vulnerability of the web communication is it uses the IP addresses to establish…

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NetSuite adds new AI capabilities to improve enterprise workflows

NetSuite adds new AI capabilities to improve enterprise workflows

The updates also include a text enhancer for custom fields that are expected to help enterprises improve the speed and accuracy of data entry with the help of generative AI, Evan Goldberg, founder and executive vice president of NetSuite, said in a statement. The text enhancer uses customer enterprise data to populate custom fields, Goldberg explained, adding that enterprises can use the earlier added Prompt Studio to configure AI-generated text suggestions in the right format,…

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How to Lock Apps on iPad

How to Lock Apps on iPad

Does your organization utilize iPad apps for kiosk-style purposes, or have you ever needed to hand a device to someone else to use an app or enter information without giving them full access? Apple’s Guided Access accessibility feature is a solution for such scenarios that is built into iOS and iPadOS. Guided Access allows a user to lock a single app on the screen, preventing users from returning to the Home Screen, opening another app,…

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Quantum Key Distribution and the Path to Post-Quantum Computing

Quantum Key Distribution and the Path to Post-Quantum Computing

This is the fourth in our series of blogs about the quantum threat. Our most recent post, The Impacts of Government Regulations on PQC Product Availability, discussed government standards for Post-Quantum Computing (PQC) and their impact on PQC adoption. As a diverse collection of stakeholders anticipates the maturing of PQC, the risks of Q-Day and Harvest Now, Decrypt Later (HNDL) cyberattacks remain a cause for concern. In this post, we will explore what’s available today…

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NCSC Issues Guidance to Protect UK Research and Innovation

NCSC Issues Guidance to Protect UK Research and Innovation

Two of the UK’s leading cybersecurity agencies have published new guidance designed to help researchers and early-stage startups safeguard innovation in the country. GCHQ’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) collaborated with MI5’s National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) to compile two online hubs of best-practice advice. Trusted Research offers guidance for researchers, university staff and funding organisations, to help keep sensitive research and IP secure Secure Innovation offers support for tech startups looking to protect their…

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Las empresas europeas están menos dispuestas a invertir en TI que las estadounidenses

Las empresas europeas están menos dispuestas a invertir en TI que las estadounidenses

Las grandes empresas estadounidenses con ventas anuales de más de 1.000 millones de dólares invierten el 1,45 % de sus ventas en tecnología y TI. En Europa, las grandes empresas invierten un 10 % menos en TI, con un 1,29 % de las ventas totales, según un informe de Capgemini, realizado tras entrevistar a 2.500 responsables de la toma de decisiones y líderes empresariales de todo el mundo. “El tamaño del mercado en sí mismo proporciona…

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