A year of Security

A year of Security

As another year comes to a close, we’re taking a look back at the last 12 months of Security magazine. Looking back over the past year it is clear that the security landscape is one that is ever-evolving marked by emerging threats, technological advancements, and shifts in regulations and standards. Throughout the pages of Security magazine this year, security leaders have shared their valuable insights, best practices, and lessons learned. Here we revisit the Special…

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A year of Security

A year of Security

As another year comes to a close, we’re taking a look back at the last 12 months of Security magazine. Looking back over the past year it is clear that the security landscape is one that is ever-evolving marked by emerging threats, technological advancements, and shifts in regulations and standards. Throughout the pages of Security magazine this year, security leaders have shared their valuable insights, best practices, and lessons learned. Here we revisit the Special…

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CSOs speak out on today's leadership challenges

CSOs speak out on today's leadership challenges

What leadership issues are challenging and motivating today’s senior security executives? I put that question out to a “brain trust” of chief security officers, VPs of security, and security directors across several verticals, sizes, geographies, and reporting structures. The following represent some of the most pertinent leadership issues identified by your peers today. Downsizing and Restructuring “Many organizations are experiencing mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, restructuring, reductions in workforce and layoffs — the latter two items affecting…

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Addressing tech skills shortages through Australia's correctional facilities

Addressing tech skills shortages through Australia's correctional facilities

This would also address underlying issues of digital equity and ensure equal access to digital technologies, skills, and opportunities for everyone, even those in correctional facilities. “Upskilling and reskilling programs play a crucial role in achieving this equity,” said Smith. By providing individuals with digital literacy and technical skills training [which are] skills essential for reintegration into society, enabling them to access online job portals, communicate with potential employers, and participate in work and other…

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Scale AI under fire in suit filed by former worker alleging unlawful business practices

Scale AI under fire in suit filed by former worker alleging unlawful business practices

Moreover, the subject matter of many prompts, some of which involved suicidal ideation and violence, among other disturbing topics, coupled with restrictions from Scale AI around break times and outside research, created a grueling, authoritarian workplace in which workers could be terminated for complaining about working conditions, payments, or company processes, the complaint said. Additionally, the suit says that McKinney and the many others in his position were misclassified under California law as independent contractors,…

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“2028년까지 포춘 500대 기업 30%가 AI 고객 서비스 채널로 전환” 가트너

“2028년까지 포춘 500대 기업 30%가 AI 고객 서비스 채널로 전환” 가트너

다채널 전략의 재고 고객 서비스의 복잡성이 증가하고 비용이 상승하면서, 기업은 서비스 운영을 단순화하면서 고객 경험을 개선하는 해결책으로 AI를 도입 중이다. 가트너 보고서는 다채널 서비스가 종종 분절된 경험과 고객 충성도 저하를 초래한다고 지적했다. 이를 하나의 AI 기반 플랫폼으로 통합함으로써 단일 상호작용 내에서 음성, 채팅, 비디오 등 다양한 모드 간의 자연스러운 전환을 가능하게 할 수 있다. 보고서는 “여러 개의 개별 채널을 제공하는 대신, 동일한 상호 작용 내에서도 음성, 채팅, 비디오와 같은 다양한 모드 간에 끊김 없는 전환이…

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강은성의 보안 아키텍트 | 시급히 갖춰야 할 국가적 침해사고 분석 체계

강은성의 보안 아키텍트 | 시급히 갖춰야 할 국가적 침해사고 분석 체계

2004년과는 비교할 수 없을 정도로 금융, 통신, 쇼핑, 배달, SNS, 의료, 교통, 자동차, 가전 등 일상의 거의 모든 영역에서 IT가 핵심 기반이 되어 있는 환경에서 발생한 침해사고에 대해 전반적인 분석·대응 체계를 갖추는 일은 시급하고도 중요한 국가적 의제가 아닐 수 없다. 이에 관해 2017년 KISA가 침해사고 조사·분석의 ‘사이버 보건소’ 역할을 해야 하므로, 조직과 인력을 대폭 확대해야 한다는 주장이 제기된 적이 있으나, 별로 호응을 얻지 못했다. 공공기관의 정원을 늘리는 것이 쉽지 않다는 현실적인 면도 있지만, 당시에도 침해사고…

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이테크시스템, 이노그리드 최대주주 등극··· “클라우드 사업 본격화”

이테크시스템, 이노그리드 최대주주 등극··· “클라우드 사업 본격화”

이테크시스템은 본사를 둔 서울 중구 에티버스타워에서 이노그리드 지분 투자를 위한 협약을 체결했다고 13일 밝혔다. 이번 지분 투자에 따라 이테크시스템은 이노그리드의 지분을 확보하게 되어 이노그리드의 최대주주가 됐다. 이테크시스템에 따르면 이노그리드는 자체 클라우드 솔루션을 보유하고 있으며 기술력과 노하우를 바탕으로 클라우드 풀스택(IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, CMP)’ 서비스를 제공하고 있는 기업이다. 또한 국내 중소 소프트웨어(SW) 기업 최초로 서비스형 인프라(IaaS) 부문에서 ‘클라우드 보안 인증(CSAP)’ 획득을 비롯하여 약 300여건 이상의 지식재산권, 품질 인증, 상표 출원 등으로 이노그리드만의 클라우드 솔루션과 서비스에 대한 기술력과…

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A New Android Banking Trojan Masquerades as Utility and Banking Apps in India | McAfee Blog

A New Android Banking Trojan Masquerades as Utility and Banking Apps in India | McAfee Blog

Authored by Dexter Shin Over the years, cyber threats targeting Android devices have become more sophisticated and persistent. Recently, McAfee Mobile Research Team discovered a new Android banking trojan targeting Indian users. This malware disguises itself as essential services, such as utility (e.g., gas or electricity) or banking apps, to get sensitive information from users. These types of services are vital for daily life, making it easier to lure users. We have previously observed malware…

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The best Raspberry Pi alternatives: Expert recommended

The best Raspberry Pi alternatives: Expert recommended

The Raspberry Pi is often the star of the show when you need a powerful brain for your DIY projects, but there are alternatives to the popular single-board computer (SBC).  Why an SBC? SBCs are computers built on a single circuit board and contain all the essentials: a processor, memory, storage, and more. Some SBCs offer better bang for your buck than a Raspberry Pi or are easier to get your hands on, as stocks…

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