El papel del CIO en 2024: una retrospectiva del año en clave TI

El papel del CIO en 2024: una retrospectiva del año en clave TI

Con esto en mente, Roda concreta su 2024, en el que se ha vivido la modernización de las tiendas, con la inclusión de elementos tecnológicos; el incremento de la experiencia de cliente a nivel digital; y la aceleración de nuevos business models, en sus palabras, “como puede ser la circularidad”.   “Hay un proyecto tecnológico del que nos sentimos muy orgullosos”, recapitula”, “el balizaje electrónico”. La importancia de este elemento va más allá de la reducción…

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How control rooms help organizations and security management

How control rooms help organizations and security management

In this episode of The Security Podcasts featuring Dan Gundry, Strategic Director at Barco Control Rooms, we discuss how control rooms benefit organizations and security management.  “Control rooms tend to be a very underserved part of an organization, or underappreciated part of an organization. But realistically, a control room’s a heartbeat or nerve center of a particular operations — in this case, security — but it could be process control, electrical transmission, traffic management, lots of…

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ITDM 2025 전망 | “효율경영 시대의 핵심 동력 ‘데이터 조직’··· 내년도 활약 무대 더 커진다” 쏘카 김상우 본부장

ITDM 2025 전망 | “효율경영 시대의 핵심 동력 ‘데이터 조직’··· 내년도 활약 무대 더 커진다” 쏘카 김상우 본부장

생성형 AI의 높아진 기술 수준은 인재 채용 전략에도 변화를 가져왔다. 이전에는 팀 규모의 확대를 성공적인 팀 운영의 조건 중 하나로 생각했다면, 생성형 AI를 통해 생산성이 증가하여 오히려 더 적은 인원으로도 효율적으로 다양한 프로젝트를 진행할 수 있게 되었다. 이에 따라 팀 규모 확대보다는 어떻게 일하는 새로운 방식의 업무 프로세스를 도입하여 효율적으로 일할 수 있을지가 더 중요한 시대가 되었다. 그리고 경력과는 관계없이 새로운 업무 방식을 생각해 내고 적용할 수 있는 인재들을 더욱 선호하고 있다. 물론 생성형 AI는…

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세일포인트 기고 | 2025년을 맞이하며… 머신 아이덴티티의 부상이 울리는 경종

세일포인트 기고 | 2025년을 맞이하며… 머신 아이덴티티의 부상이 울리는 경종

아이덴티티 보안의 새로운 지평 아시아·태평양 지역의 AI 투자액은 2028년까지 1,100억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됨에 따라, 관련 기술은 앞으로도 계속 발전하고 보편화될 것이다. 하지만 이는 곧 AI 기술을 악용해 더욱 정교한 사이버 공격을 감행할 수 있는 행위자들 역시 늘어남을 의미한다. 이미 AI 딥페이크 기술로 최고 경영진을 사칭하는 사기, 허위 정보 유포, 피싱 캠페인 등의 사건들이 심심치 않게 발견되고 있다. 따라서 2025년에는 차세대 통합형 아이덴티티 보안 솔루션의 유무가 기업의 아이덴티티 보안 성과를 좌지우지할 것이다. 통합형 아이덴티티 보안은…

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VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

This page contains a list of products released by VMware. vTracker is automatically updated when new products are available to download (GA) at vmware.com. If you want to get notified about new VMware Products, subscribe to the RSS Feed. You can also use the JSON export to build your own tool. Feel free to comment when you have any feature requests. 2024-12-18VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer 30.2.2-2p1 [Release Notes] [Download] 2024-12-17VMware Workstation 17.6.2 Pro [Release…

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VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

This page contains a list of products released by VMware. vTracker is automatically updated when new products are available to download (GA) at vmware.com. If you want to get notified about new VMware Products, subscribe to the RSS Feed. You can also use the JSON export to build your own tool. Feel free to comment when you have any feature requests. 2024-12-18VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer 30.2.2-2p1 [Release Notes] [Download] 2024-12-17VMware Workstation 17.6.2 Pro [Release…

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VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

This page contains a list of products released by VMware. vTracker is automatically updated when new products are available to download (GA) at vmware.com. If you want to get notified about new VMware Products, subscribe to the RSS Feed. You can also use the JSON export to build your own tool. Feel free to comment when you have any feature requests. 2024-12-18VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer 30.2.2-2p1 [Release Notes] [Download] 2024-12-17VMware Workstation 17.6.2 Pro [Release…

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VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

This page contains a list of products released by VMware. vTracker is automatically updated when new products are available to download (GA) at vmware.com. If you want to get notified about new VMware Products, subscribe to the RSS Feed. You can also use the JSON export to build your own tool. Feel free to comment when you have any feature requests. 2024-12-18VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer 30.2.2-2p1 [Release Notes] [Download] 2024-12-17VMware Workstation 17.6.2 Pro [Release…

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VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

This page contains a list of products released by VMware. vTracker is automatically updated when new products are available to download (GA) at vmware.com. If you want to get notified about new VMware Products, subscribe to the RSS Feed. You can also use the JSON export to build your own tool. Feel free to comment when you have any feature requests. 2024-12-18VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer 30.2.2-2p1 [Release Notes] [Download] 2024-12-17VMware Workstation 17.6.2 Pro [Release…

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VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

VMware Product Release Tracker (vTracker)

This page contains a list of products released by VMware. vTracker is automatically updated when new products are available to download (GA) at vmware.com. If you want to get notified about new VMware Products, subscribe to the RSS Feed. You can also use the JSON export to build your own tool. Feel free to comment when you have any feature requests. 2024-12-18VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer 30.2.2-2p1 [Release Notes] [Download] 2024-12-17VMware Workstation 17.6.2 Pro [Release…

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