It's time for another round of Statcounter stories – here's why you shouldn't believe them

It's time for another round of Statcounter stories – here's why you shouldn't believe them

It happens like clockwork, around the first of each month. Sites that focus on technology churn out nearly identical articles, all based on a chart like this one, prepared by the good folks at Statcounter Global Stats.   Every month, tech bloggers try to turn a chart like this one into a story, but most of them miss what’s actually happening. Statcounter GS You’re going to see that chart a lot this week, embedded in posts…

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How to Make Sure Your Gmail Account is Protected in Light of Recent AI Scams | McAfee Blog

How to Make Sure Your Gmail Account is Protected in Light of Recent AI Scams | McAfee Blog

The rise of AI-driven cyber threats has introduced a new level of sophistication to phishing scams, particularly those targeting Gmail users. Criminals are using artificial intelligence to create eerily realistic impersonations of Google support representatives, Forbes recently reported. These scams don’t just rely on misleading emails; they also include convincing phone calls that appear to come from legitimate sources. If you receive a call claiming to be from Google support, just hang up—this could be…

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The evolution of IT optimization is AIOps

The evolution of IT optimization is AIOps

It could be said that the beginning of the IT optimization movement started with monitoring. The idea behind IT monitoring is that it determines how IT infrastructure and its underlying components perform in real time in order to make data-driven decisions for resource provisioning, IT security, or to evaluate usage trends. But monitoring was just the beginning. Observability was the next phase. And while it’s been around for about 10 years, in the last few…

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Diez habilidades y rasgos de los líderes digitales de éxito

Diez habilidades y rasgos de los líderes digitales de éxito

“Empecé mi carrera como analista de sistemas empresariales, lo que me permitió aprender tanto el aspecto empresarial como las herramientas y tecnologías prácticas que lo sustentan”, afirma Townsend. “Esto permite hablar el idioma del negocio o la industria, ya sea hablando con un ejecutivo o un tecnólogo, y a menudo traducir entre los grupos”. Una vez que se convirtió en líder, Townsend dice que tuvo que aprender a dejar de lado algunas de las tareas…

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European Police: Data Volumes and Loss Hindering Investigations

European Police: Data Volumes and Loss Hindering Investigations

European police are struggling to access, analyze and store potentially huge volumes of data needed to advance cybercrime investigations, a new Europol report has warned. The policing group’s Common Challenges in Cybercrime study was written with input from criminal justice cooperation body Eurojust. Three of the six challenges highlighted in the report relate to data needed for investigations. The first is the sheer volume of that data, which might reach terabytes or even petabytes in size,…

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Israel Devesa ficha como director general Digital de Grupo Aldesa

Israel Devesa ficha como director general Digital de Grupo Aldesa

Israel Devesa Cuevas, hasta la fecha director de Sistemas de la Información y Tecnología de Capital Energy (CIO y CTO, por sus siglas en inglés), anuncia su salida de la energética. Tras tres años y cuatro meses en el cargo, el ingeniero informático de profesión ha puesto el punto y final a su etapa en la compañía española dedicada a la promoción de la energía eólica y fotovoltaica. Lo hace, dice, abriendo un nuevo capítulo…

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UK Announces “World-First” AI Security Standard

UK Announces “World-First” AI Security Standard

The UK government has announced a new AI Code of Practice which it claims will form the basis of a global standard for securing the technology, through the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Published on Friday as a voluntary code of practice, alongside implementation guidance, it was developed in close collaboration with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and various external stakeholders. The code’s 13 principles cover the secure design, development, deployment, maintenance and end-of-life aspects of…

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How the Proposed HISAA Law Could Reshape Cybersecurity Compliance

How the Proposed HISAA Law Could Reshape Cybersecurity Compliance

It’s been a tough year for the healthcare sector. Throughout 2024, cybercriminals have unleashed a barrage of attacks on a vast number of healthcare organizations – with disconcerting levels of success. FBI research revealed that healthcare is now the US’s most targeted industry. The attack on Change Healthcare, a United Health-owned health tech company, for example, disrupted operations at thousands of hospitals, pharmacies, and physician practices, led to the theft of up to 6TB of…

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‘CISO도 알아야 할’ 수사·첩보 기관들의 기기 암호화 파훼법

‘CISO도 알아야 할’ 수사·첩보 기관들의 기기 암호화 파훼법

암호화된 기기의 데이터에 접근하는 상황은 스파이 영화에서나 나올 법한 일처럼 보일 수 있지만, 법 집행 기관에 있어서는 매우 현실적인 과제다. 그리고 이 문제는 CISO와 다른 보안 전문가들에게도 중요한 문제다. 가령 직원 해외 출장이나 해외 컨퍼런스에 참석하기 위해 국경을 넘을 때 기기의 암호를 해제하고 그 내용을 제시해야 할 수 있다. 예를 들어, 중국의 국경 관리 요원은 잠겨 있거나 암호화된 기기에서도 데이터를 추출할 수 있는 특수 장비를 사용할 수 있다. 영화와 다른 점이 있다면, AES 암호화 키나…

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Big events, bigger risks: How teams keep large events safe

Big events, bigger risks: How teams keep large events safe

When the Atlanta Falcons play at Mercedes-Benz Stadium, there may be 70,000-plus fans on hand to see the action. “We’re basically a small city,” said Joe Coomer, Vice President of Security at AMB Sports and Entertainment, which is comprised of the NFL Falcons and Major League Soccer’s Atlanta United FC. “My frontline security staff is over 500, augmented by another 150 police officers on the inside and 150 police officers on the outside, and then…

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