Medusa Ransomware: What You Need To Know

Medusa Ransomware: What You Need To Know

What is the Medusa ransomware? Medusa is a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) platform that first came to prominence in 2023. The ransomware impacts organisations running Windows, predominantly exploiting vulnerable and unpatched systems and hijacking accounts through initial access brokers. Initial access brokers? Initial access brokers (IABs) specialise in gaining unauthorised access to the networks of organisations, and then sell that access to other cybercriminals – such as ransomware gangs like Medusa. So the ransomware attackers may not…

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Helping the Energy Sector Navigate NERC Complexities

Helping the Energy Sector Navigate NERC Complexities

The energy sector is the cornerstone of modern infrastructure, powering essential services and supporting the daily operations of economies worldwide. However, it also faces unique cybersecurity challenges, particularly in complying with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) standards. Cyber threats keep growing in sophistication and frequency and the sector’s critical assets—such as power grids, pipelines, and renewable energy networks—face unprecedented risk. The implications of a cyberattack on these systems extend…

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NASA's Cybersecurity Initiative: What Spacecraft Manufacturers Need to Know

NASA's Cybersecurity Initiative: What Spacecraft Manufacturers Need to Know

NASA is about to introduce new requirements for its contractors. These requirements will dramatically improve the cybersecurity of spacecraft and the US’ resilience to cyber threats. But what do these requirements mean for spacecraft manufacturers? What challenges will they face? And what will they need to do to comply? Keep reading to find out.  Understanding the Cyber Space Threat While NASA has cybersecurity requirements for its spacecraft in operation, these requirements do not extend to…

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Delays in TSMC’s Arizona plant spark supply chain worries

Delays in TSMC’s Arizona plant spark supply chain worries

Delays at TSMC’s Arizona plant could compel its customers to rely on Taiwan-based facilities, leaving them vulnerable to geopolitical risks tied to Taiwan’s dominance in semiconductor production. “This situation could also delay the rollout of next-generation products in the US market, affecting timelines for AI, gaming, and high-performance computing innovations,” Rawat said. “Moreover, without access to local, advanced chips, US tech companies will incur higher transportation and import costs, diminishing their profit margins. In competitive…

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Why some companies are backing away from the public cloud

Why some companies are backing away from the public cloud

PM Images/Getty Images The cloud has dominated enterprise technology provision for a decade or more. Public cloud services, with huge capacity, commitments to security, and assurances that the latest and greatest technologies are running underneath, offer a compelling value proposition. In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), capacity is critical. However, a new survey suggests evidence of a movement away from public provision. Close to seven in 10 companies (69%) have moved at least some…

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Most European Privacy Teams Are Understaffed and Underfunded

Most European Privacy Teams Are Understaffed and Underfunded

More than half of European data protection professionals believe budgets will decline in 2025, while a similar share expects technical privacy teams to remain understaffed, according to ISACA. The global IT professional association polled 351 members in the region working in privacy, to better understand the challenges the industry faces. Its State of Privacy in 2025 report revealed that industry professionals are becoming more pessimistic. Aside from the 54% that expect budgets to decrease in…

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SAS코리아 “금융 ·공공 산업 특화 AI 솔루션으로 2025년 비즈니스 성장 가속화할 것”

SAS코리아 “금융 ·공공 산업 특화 AI 솔루션으로 2025년 비즈니스 성장 가속화할 것”

이중혁 SAS코리아 대표는 지난해 주요 성과로 신기술 기능 지원, 생성형 AI 적용 사례 확대, 코오롱베니트와의 총판 계약 체결을 꼽았다. 이 대표는 “현재 약 450여 개의 고객사를 보유하고 있으며, 코오롱베니트와 협력하는 전문 파트너사가 19개사에 달한다”라며 “2025년에는 보다 생산성 향상에 초점을 맞춰 기존 기술과 인프라를 최적화하고, 산업별 특화 솔루션그리고 신뢰할 수 있는 생성형 AI 솔루션을 확대할 방침”이라고 밝혔다. 또한 이 대표는 “데이터 분석, 정제, 관리 영역에서는 많은 벤더가 있지만, 금융·공공 특화 솔루션 분야는 사실상 SAS의 경쟁자가 없는…

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“가격은 오픈AI 대비 95% 저렴, 성능은 비슷” ··· AI 업계 슈퍼 루키 딥시크, 추론 모델 ‘R1’ 오픈소스로 공개

“가격은 오픈AI 대비 95% 저렴, 성능은 비슷” ··· AI 업계 슈퍼 루키 딥시크, 추론 모델 ‘R1’ 오픈소스로 공개

이 모델의 핵심 경쟁력은 가격이다. 딥시크 R1은 오픈AI의 o1 모델과 비교해 90~95% 낮은 비용으로 운영이 가능하다. 구체적인 가격을 보면, 오픈AI o1은 입력 토큰 100만 개당 15달러, 출력 토큰 100만 개당 60달러인 반면, 딥시크 R1은 입력 토큰 100만 개당 0.55달러, 출력 토큰 100만 개당 2.19달러로 책정됐다. 이러한 파격적인 가격 정책과 오픈소스 공개, 그리고 오픈AI에 견줄만한 성능은 AI 시장에 새로운 변화를 예고한다는 평가를 받고 있다. NYU 스턴 경영대학의 AI 수석 아키텍트 코너 그레넌은 링크드인을 통해 “대다수의 AI…

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ERP e gestionali: le sfide nascoste delle implementazioni e come superarle

ERP e gestionali: le sfide nascoste delle implementazioni e come superarle

Implementare un sistema gestionale non significa soltanto introdurre un nuovo software, ma condurre un’azione di change management che deve partire dal CEO e dagli altri executive. I CIO ne sono convinti: quando si porta in azienda un CRM, un ERP, un MES, un PLM o qualunque altro gestionale, SAP incluso, i vertici e, a cascata, tutti i dipartimenti, devono credere nel modo nuovo di impostare i processi. L’alternativa è votare il progetto al fallimento a…

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Why data protection is non-negotiable for every business

Why data protection is non-negotiable for every business

Every morning, I start my day by reading the news, and every morning, I see headlines about major cyberattacks and breaches causing damage to companies, brands, and people around the world. The barrage of attacks and the damage that goes with them are relentless. Attackers will always be on the lookout for soft targets, but my experience has taught me that implementing some basic yet powerful protections can shield most organizations from ransomware attacks and…

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