Finding 0-days with Jackalope

Finding 0-days with Jackalope

Overview On March 21st, 2021, the McAfee Enterprise Advanced Threat Research (ATR) team released several vulnerabilities it discovered in the Netop Vision Pro Education software, a popular schooling software used by more than 9,000 school systems around the world. Netop was very responsive and released several updates to address many of the critical findings, creating a more secure product for our educators and children to use. During any vulnerability research project, as we continue to…

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How can enterprises support remote working without opening the door to occupational fraud?

How can enterprises support remote working without opening the door to occupational fraud?

How can enterprises support remote working without opening the door to occupational fraud? | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to…

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Shame and Cybersecurity: Creating a Safe Space in Your Organization

Shame and Cybersecurity: Creating a Safe Space in Your Organization

“Say ‘Ta,’” said Mamma Bear. “Ta,” said Baby Bear. He then dropped the mug of blackcurrant juice by accident. “What have you done?” exclaimed Daddy Bear. “The carpet is RUINED!!” Baby Bear felt a great sense of something disturbing, and this wasn’t a thousand voices suddenly being silenced. This was much deeper. This hurt, and Daddy Bear’s face was angry, disappointed. He was panicking about some purple stuff on the carpet. It didn’t make sense,…

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ستة وثمانون في المائة من المنظمات السعودية تنسب الهجمات الإلكترونية المدمرة إلى الثغرات الأمنية في التكنولوجيا المُستخدمة أثناء الجائحة

ستة وثمانون في المائة من المنظمات السعودية تنسب الهجمات الإلكترونية المدمرة إلى الثغرات الأمنية في التكنولوجيا المُستخدمة أثناء الجائحة

Dubai, United Arab Emirates قال سبعة وستون في المائة من قادة الأمن والأعمال أن تعرضهم للمخاطر الإلكترونية زاد نتيجة نقل وظائف الأعمال المهمة إلى السحابة نشرت شركة Tenable®, Inc.، Cyber Exposure، نتائج دراسة توصلت إلى أن 86٪ من المؤسسات السعودية عانت من هجوم إلكتروني مؤثر على الأعمال* ويُنسب ذلك إلى الثغرات الأمنية في التكنولوجيا المُستخدمة أثناء الجائحة. البيانات مُستمدة من دراسة “Beyond Boundaries: مستقبل الأمن الإلكتروني في عالم العمل الجديد”، وهي دراسة أجريت على أكثر من…

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My Skyrocketing Career Growth at Cisco! – Cisco Blogs

My Skyrocketing Career Growth at Cisco! – Cisco Blogs

A lot can happen when you’re working hard and having fun, and I can attest to that being true at Cisco. In just four years’ time, my career as a Cisco network engineer has skyrocketed! Not only have I received two promotions, but I was selected twice to speak at Cisco Live, awarded Restricted Stock Units (RSU) two times, selected as a sponsee for the Multiplier Effect Sponsorship program and as a Career Guide, and…

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5 Steps to Protect Your Organization from the Next Ransomware Attack

5 Steps to Protect Your Organization from the Next Ransomware Attack

By Paul Kohler, CTO, S3 We have witnessed the largest ransomware attacks in history in the first half of 2021 alone. From SolarWinds to CNA Financial Corp, Colonial Pipeline, JBS and Kaseya – ransomware attacks are no longer “if” it will happen to you, it is when. According to research, ransomware attacks are estimated to occur every 11 seconds, costing at least $20B a year. But why are many organizations still reluctant to support and…

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Cisco Cloud Insider Webinar: The State of Automation for Hybrid Clouds – Cisco Blogs

Cisco Cloud Insider Webinar: The State of Automation for Hybrid Clouds – Cisco Blogs

Automation: The Truth About the Easy Button If there’s one thing the last year and a half has taught us, it’s the importance of building resilience and agility into our businesses, our teams, and how they operate. It’s no wonder, then, that the same pandemic response that accelerated organizations’ move to the cloud has also intensified the automation imperative. Automation is table-stakes for faster, more efficient IT operations and business agility — but identifying the…

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How to improve relations between developers and security teams and boost application security

How to improve relations between developers and security teams and boost application security

Chris Wysopal shared a history lesson about the evolution of application security and advice on how to make all apps more secure. Veracode CTO Chris Wysopal shared the highlights of his career in application security during an OWASP event, including his 1998 testimony to Congress as a member of the hacking collective The L0ft. Image: Chris Wysopal In December 1996, application security expert Chris Wysopal published his first vulnerability report. He found that data could…

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US CISA, FBI, and NSA warn an escalation of Conti ransomware attacks

US CISA, FBI, and NSA warn an escalation of Conti ransomware attacks

CISA, FBI, and the NSA warned today of an escalation of the attacks of the Conti ransomware gang targeting US organizations. CISA, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the National Security Agency (NSA) are warning of an increased number of Conti ransomware attacks against US organizations. ⚠️ @CISAgov and @FBI observed over 400 ransomware attacks using #Conti to steal sensitive data. Read the joint Cybersecurity Advisory with @NSACyber for actions that can be taken…

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Black Matter gang demanded a $5.9M ransom to NEW Cooperative

Black Matter gang demanded a .9M ransom to NEW Cooperative

U.S. The farmers cooperative NEW Cooperative was hit by Black Matter ransomware gang that is demanding a $5.9 million ransom. BlackMatter ransomware gang hit NEW Cooperative, a farmer’s feed and grain cooperative, and is demanding a $5.9 million ransom. The ransomware gang claims to have stolen 1,000 GB of data including the source code for the project, financial info, network information, R&D results, sensitive employee information, legal and executive info, and KeePass export. The…

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