Public Cloud Spend and Usage Trends: How 2020 Changed the Way We Use the Cloud – VMware Cloud Community

Public Cloud Spend and Usage Trends: How 2020 Changed the Way We Use the Cloud – VMware Cloud Community

2020 was a year like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent government-imposed restrictions introduced new realities for everyone. For some businesses, the economic pressure of these restrictions made cost-cutting measures the top priority, while others turned to the public cloud to quickly scale infrastructure and meet sudden spikes in demand. To dive deeper into how the social and economic disruptions of 2020 changed the way we use the cloud, we conducted an analysis of…

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Museum Website Vandalized with X-Rated Ads

Museum Website Vandalized with X-Rated Ads

Visitors to a Scottish tourism website were greeted with X-rated images after malicious cyber-criminals plastered its pages with pornographic promotions.  The independent site was set up by organizers ABC to help tourists seeking cultural experiences in East Lothian.  “People usually tend to overlook museums when they are on a break because these places take time and lot of patience, but we at ABC are dedicated towards changing that mindset and introduce people to museums…

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Missing Toddler Chat Group Banned

Missing Toddler Chat Group Banned

A partial settlement has been reached in a cyber-bullying case brought by the parents of a missing toddler against the operator of a chat group set up to discuss the fate of their son. Dylan Ehler was three years old when he vanished from the backyard of his grandmother’s home in Truro, Nova Scotia, at around 1:15 pm on May 6, 2020. Searches for the missing child were called off after two weeks, and his whereabouts remain…

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Stretching Cisco Designed Oracle Infrastructures with Low Latency Protocols – Cisco Blogs

Stretching Cisco Designed Oracle Infrastructures with Low Latency Protocols – Cisco Blogs

Before the pandemic, industries were turned upside down as a digital transformation wave forced IT departments to think of new ways to implement services and address this new business challenge. When business travel starts up again, each of us will see examples: taxi’s replaced by Uber and Lyft; newspapers replaced by a smartphone; radio replaced by Spotify. Each industry struggles to remain relevant. The impact on IT?  The huge growth in applications that draw data…

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White House urges US companies to take ransomware seriously

White House urges US companies to take ransomware seriously

A new White House memo to business leaders underscores the threat of ransomware and offers advice on how to protect their companies. Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto Following recent cyberattacks against key operations in the U.S., the White House is pushing companies to take ransomware seriously and beef up their defenses against it. First spotted by CNN, a Wednesday memo sent to corporate executives and business leaders by Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology,…

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The rush to cloud based VDI, will customers stay? – Cisco Blogs

The rush to cloud based VDI, will customers stay? – Cisco Blogs

IT executives have experienced few absolute drop-dead dates to implement new services in their careers.  Many of us remember the excitement Y2K caused the industry as time marched on at the turn of the century over 20 years ago. Technology teams had to deliver by January 1, 2000, and they did!  Last March, COVID had the same impact.  Overnight, IT organizations had to enable their workforces to work from home on almost any connected device…

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COVID-19 has transformed work, but cybersecurity isn’t keeping pace, report finds

COVID-19 has transformed work, but cybersecurity isn’t keeping pace, report finds

Underprepared, overwhelmed and unable to move forward, security teams are getting pushback from leadership and simply can’t catch up to necessary post-pandemic modernization. Image: CROCOTHERY/Getty Images/iStockphoto An international survey of tech professionals from the Thales Group finds some bleak news for the current state of data security: the COVID-19 pandemic has upended cybersecurity norms, and security teams are struggling to keep up. The problems appear to be snowballing; lack of preparation has led to a…

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White House Issues Open Letter on Ransomware

White House Issues Open Letter on Ransomware

The White House has sent an open letter to companies in the United States entreating them to urgently act against the threat of ransomware. Corporate executives and business leaders received a memo on Thursday morning from Anne Neuberger, the National Security Council’s top cyber official. In the missive, Neuberger underscored the sweeping danger of ransomware to the private sector. “All organizations must recognize that no company is safe from being targeted by ransomware, regardless of size…

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How a malicious bot tries to evade detection by morphing

How a malicious bot tries to evade detection by morphing

Targeting Windows and Linux systems, the Necro Python bot changes its code to evade traditional security detection, says Cisco Talos. Image: Cisco Talos Cybercriminals often use automated bots to deploy malware infections, take control of remote computers and carry out other cyberattacks. Though a bot sounds like it might be limited in intelligence and flexibility, a sophisticated bot can do a lot of damage on behalf of the attacker. A report published Thursday by threat…

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Cryptocurrency hacks wanted – $10k prize fund offered in contest

Cryptocurrency hacks wanted – k prize fund offered in contest

Cybercriminals are running an online competition offering big prizes to anyone who believes they have found an unusual way to help crooks steal cryptocurrency. As security researchers at Intel471 describe, an underground cybercrime forum popular with cybercriminals has issued a call for papers that will describe “unorthodox ways to steal private keys and wallets, unusual cryptocurrency mining software, smart contracts, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and more.” It sounds very similar to the type of call-for-papers made…

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