After installation of second Finesse server(Secondary), Finesse does not come into service

Secondary Finesse not come IN SERVICE after fresh installation / upgrade CSCur00799 Description Symptom: After installation of second Finesse server(Secondary), Finesse does not come into serviceConditions: The pass phrase file is missing and this prevents Finesse from connecting to Openfire Cisco Finesse not switching from Primary UCCX to backup UCCX Subscriber , when the primary is down it should automatically switch to secondary and when primary is up it should automatically switch to primary without…

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Cisco Prime Collaboration – Reset and Changing Passwords

Resetting and Changing Passwords As a super administrator, system administrator or network operator, you can reset the password for other Prime Collaboration users as well as change your own password. To reset the password for other users, select a user from Administration > User Management and make the necessary changes. To change your own password, click Change Password and make necessary changes. You can reset the Prime Collaboration Assurance web client globaladmin password using the…

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Configuring Live Record in Unity Connection

Configuring Live Record Live record allows users to record conversations while they talk to callers. The recorded conversation is stored as a message in the user mailbox, and the user can review it later or redirect it to another user or group of users. Operators in your organization may find live record particularly useful. Live record is supported only for Cisco Unified Communications Manager integrations. While there is no class of service or user account…

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Video Conferencing Equipment and Services for Installation & Maintenance – Cisco TANDBERG, Polycom, LifeSize, Sony, Vaddio

Video Conferencing Equipment and Services for Installation & Maintenance – Cisco TANDBERG, Polycom, LifeSize, Sony, Vaddio Original Article Firewall Port Forwarding for H.323 video H.323 uses a single fixed TCP port (1720) to start a call using the H.225 protocol (defined by H.323 spec) for call control. Once that protocol is complete, it then uses a dynamic TCP port for the H.245 protocol (also defined by the H.323 spec) for caps and channel control. Finally,…

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Cisco 7800 Series Phones – CUCME Support

Below is the recommended config   New phone model Recommended Fast-track config 7821 voice register pool-type  7821 xml-config maxNumCalls 6 xml-config busyTrigger 6 xml-config custom sshAccess 0 num-lines 2 description Cisco IP Phone 7821 reference-pooltype 6921 7841 voice register pool-type  7841 xml-config maxNumCalls 6 xml-config busyTrigger 6 xml-config custom sshAccess 0 num-lines 4 description Cisco IP Phone 7841 reference-pooltype 6941 7861 voice register pool-type  7861 xml-config maxNumCalls 6 xml-config busyTrigger 6 xml-config custom sshAccess 0…

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Unity to Exchange Connections

Increasing the Number of Connections If you have more than 2000 users on a Unity Connection server or more than 80 milliseconds of latency, you can increase the number of connections from the default value of four. Note the following: The maximum number of connections is 64. Never decrease the number of connections to fewer than four. After you change the number of connections, you must restart the Unity Connection Mailbox Sync service in Cisco…

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IOS Tricks with TCLs

Parser Find the subcommands under a specific command such as ‘Clear’ that contain “call” keyword. Example: clear call voice … Router# show parser dump exec | inc clear .*[a-z]+.*call 1 clear controller call-counters timeslots 1 clear controller call-counters timeslots 1 clear controller call-counters timeslots 1 clear controller call-counters timeslots 1 clear controller call-counters timeslots 1 clear controller call-counters timeslots 1 clear controller call-counters 1 clear controller call-counters system-hwm 1 clear controller call-counters all 1 clear call voice causecode long-dur-call 1 clear call voice causecode calling-number 1 clear call voice causecode called-number 1 clear…

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Posted in IOS

UCS- Invalid Keyring certificate Alert

Cisco UCS  Error # default Keyring’s certificate is invalid, reason: expired. ————————————————————————— FI-B# show fault 252396 detail Fault Instance Severity: Major Code: F0909 Last Transition Time: 2015-11-20T11:26:41.156 ID: 252396 Status: None Description: default Keyring’s certificate is invalid, reason: expired. Affected Object: sys/pki-ext/keyring-default Name: Pki Key Ring Status Cause: Invalid Keyring Certificate Type: Security Acknowledged: No Occurrences: 1 Creation Time: 2015-11-20T11:26:41.156 Original Severity: Major Previous Severity: Major Highest Severity: Major —————————————————————————-   We just need to…

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IOS: ROMMON on the C6500/Sup720 – Sup crashed

IOS: ROMMON on the C6500/Sup720 Recently, one of my Supervisor 720 goes into a permanent reboot cycle. I was able to break it into ROMMON mode, but I couldn’t get it to ‘stick’ the boot settings. Finally…. Finally, one of the other guys came and looked over my shoulder and pointed out that I was making two mistakes. Here is the correct syntax: rommmon 2 > BOOT=bootdisk:s72033-advipservicesk9_wan-vz.122-18.SXF14.bin rommon 3 > set PS1=rommon ! > LOG_PREFIX_VERSION=1 SLOTCACHE=cards; ACL_DENY=0…

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show fabric-interconnect inventory

show fabric-interconnect inventory To display fabric interconnect hardware information, use the show fabric-interconnect inventory command. showfabric-interconnectinventory [ id { a | b } ] [expand] [detail] Examples This example shows how to display a list of fabric interconnect hardware: switch-A# show fabric-interconnect inventory ID PID Vendor Serial (SN) HW Revision Total Memory (MB) ——– ————— —————– ———– ———– —————– A N10-S6100 Cisco Systems, In SSI12480266 0 3549 B N10-S6100 Cisco Systems, In SSI12520C81 0 3549…

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