What is a Personal Firewall? |

What is a Personal Firewall? |

Firewalls are a term many know as protective of their computers from cyberattacks, but not many know what they do and why they need it (if at all). In this article, we will explore the Firewall, its use, importance, the differences between a personal Firewall and one used for enterprises and large organizations, and what our recommendation for a great Firewall. What is a Firewall? A Firewall is the controller of incoming and outgoing traffic…

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New York Attorney General declares top ISPs committed net neutrality fraud | ZDNet

New York Attorney General declares top ISPs committed net neutrality fraud | ZDNet

When then-President Donald Trump’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) tried to destroy net neutrality in 2017, everyone knew that millions of comments in favor of breaking net neutrality were bogus.  As then-New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said at the time, two million net neutrality comments were fake. Schneiderman said: “Moving forward with this vote would make a mockery of our public comment process and reward those who perpetrated this fraud to advance their own hidden agenda.”…

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Top 5 cyber attacks of 2020—could they have been prevented? – Cisco Blogs

Top 5 cyber attacks of 2020—could they have been prevented? – Cisco Blogs

You can’t stop every threat, but you can mitigate damage with a zero-trust architecture. The biggest cyber attacks of 2020 have raised new concerns around enterprise security postures, practices, and policies. Would things have been different if so many enterprises hadn’t been forced to rush into a largely virtual arena? Or, had the writing already been on the wall before the pandemic? Below are five of the most significant cyber attacks of 20201. Australia-based logistics…

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RSA Conference 2021: The Best Place to Strengthen Your Resilience | McAfee Blogs

RSA Conference 2021: The Best Place to Strengthen Your Resilience | McAfee Blogs

This year’s RSA Conference will look a little different. Instead of booking flights and hotel rooms in the busy city of San Francisco, we’ll be powering up computers in our home office with family in the next room. We’ve all had a tumultuous year and with that comes resilience, which is also this year’s conference theme. Ahead of the RSA virtual conference, I spoke with a few of my colleagues about the major themes we…

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Three Marylanders Indicted Over BEC Scam

Three Marylanders Indicted Over BEC Scam

Three Maryland residents are suspected of being involved in dating and business email compromise (BEC) scams that defrauded victims out of more than $2.3m. An indictment returned in March by a federal grand jury and unsealed yesterday charges 37-year-old Baltimore resident Noel Chimezuru Agoha, 34-year-old Sessieu Ange Oulai of Parkville, and 32-year-old Essex resident Kelechi Arthur Ntibunka with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and aggravated identity theft. Court documents allege that from August…

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Lawsuit Filed Over Contact Tracing Data Breach

Lawsuit Filed Over Contact Tracing Data Breach

A federal lawsuit has been filed against Pennsylvania and a vendor contracted by the state’s Department of Health (DOH) over a data breach that exposed the personal health information (PHI) of thousands of Pennsylvanians. The DOH hired Atlanta-based company Insight Global in 2020 “to provide contact tracing and other similar services” following the outbreak of COVID-19. The Department later said that employees of the company caused a data breach by creating “unauthorized documents outside of the secure data systems…

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Bot Attacks a Top Cybersecurity Concern

Bot Attacks a Top Cybersecurity Concern

Mitigating bot attacks is a major concern for security leaders, according to new research published yesterday by cybersecurity company Human (formerly White Ops). The “2021 Bot Management Trends” report, which is based on a survey conducted by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), exposed worries regarding a string of threats posed by bots.   In the first quarter of 2021, ESG asked 425 cybersecurity and IT decision makers with application security knowledge and responsibilities for their organizations about their perceptions of…

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Cisco’s Hybrid Cloud Vision meets Black Belt Academy – Cisco Blogs

Cisco’s Hybrid Cloud Vision meets Black Belt Academy – Cisco Blogs

Today, every organization, big or small, wants to fit in within the Hybrid Cloud world. The fast-paced technology is pushing our customers to accelerate their haul to Digital and operate in a multicloud environment. Cloud has become the predominant ground for businesses to store their data and applications, while organizations who still have their data on premise are planning a rapid migration to Cloud. According to the Cisco Global Cloud Index, 94 percent of all…

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NCSC Sets Out Security Principles for Smart Cities

NCSC Sets Out Security Principles for Smart Cities

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has published a set of security principles to underpin the development of so-called smart cities. Titled Connected Places Cyber Security Principles, the guidance aims to help local authorities in the UK embrace the benefits of connected places, while at the same time ensure they are resilient to cyber-attacks. The smart city concept involves the use of connected technology, such as IoT devices, to collect data and enhance services within…

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How to Remain Secure While Using Running Apps

How to Remain Secure While Using Running Apps

When gyms were forced to close last year, you likely looked for other ways to get some exercise and stay active during quarantine. From investing in a few pairs of dumbbells or perhaps downloading an app or two to help you track your workouts, you found alternatives to help you break a sweat. As an accessible, easy way to release endorphins, running quickly grew in popularity along with the platforms that help runners stay accountable. According to Runner’s World, there was a 34% uptick in outdoor…

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