- Are tri-foldable phones the next big thing? I tried one from an upstart brand
- How Block is accelerating engineering velocity through developer experience
- Enhancing Security Monitoring with Tripwire's Change Audit: New Rules for Firewalls, WFP, and Microsoft Store Applications
- ‘그 시절 우리가 따랐던 원칙’을 대체하는 새 IT 리더십 규칙 8가지
- Hidden costs of compromised privacy: Protecting brands and customers
Inflection Points are the Catalysts for Innovation – Cisco Blogs
There are moments that change the course of our personal lives. These moments are inflection points—a graduation, a new partnership, the birth of a baby—events that define a clear “before” and “after.” Similar moments exist at the macro level, and these events change the course of our collective path. There are also milestone moments that stress the very core of our lives—natural disasters, pandemics, wars, or resource scarcities—that force us to reimagine a new way…
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