What's Next for Cybersecurity in 2025 and Beyond? Fortra Experts Weigh

What's Next for Cybersecurity in 2025 and Beyond? Fortra Experts Weigh

We are fast approaching the end of (another) turbulent year for cybersecurity. Looking back, it’s hard to believe that so much can happen in such a short time. As we finish up our work for the year, head home to our families, and prepare to close the book on 2024, it’s worth considering what’s next. And who better than Fortra’s experts to offer insights into the year to come? Keep reading for expert predictions of…

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Majority of UK SMEs Lack Cybersecurity Policy

Majority of UK SMEs Lack Cybersecurity Policy

More than two-thirds (69%) of UK small and medium enterprises (SMEs) lack a cybersecurity policy, according to figures from specialist insurance firm Markel Direct. The research identified a significant lack of basic cybersecurity measures and hygiene in place across these companies. This included 43% admitting that their employees are not trained on best practices and potential threats, while just 35% encourage their employees to update passwords. Additionally, only around half (52%) of SMEs use multi-factor…

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Understanding Data Leaks: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention Strategies

Understanding Data Leaks: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention Strategies

Imagine a seemingly minor misconfiguration in your cloud storage or an employee accidentally emailing a sensitive file to the wrong person. These incidents might seem trivial, but they can quickly snowball into a massive data breach, causing financial consequences. This scenario is a stark reminder of the importance of understanding and preventing data leaks. Data leaks are a threat to organizations, and developers can play a crucial role in preventing them. Understanding the causes and…

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2024: un año reseñable de avances para la salud digital en España

2024: un año reseñable de avances para la salud digital en España

A lo largo de 2024 se han logrado avances muy significativos en Tecnologías de la Información y comunicaciones (TIC) para la salud en España. En términos generales podemos hablar de una aceleración importante de la incorporación de tecnologías avanzadas como la IA generativa, big data, la nube, IoMT, dispositivos llevables y las comunicaciones móviles 5G. Estas tecnologías se han utilizado para la implementación de aplicaciones, sistemas y plataformas en distintos dominios. Cebe destacar la extensión…

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Ocho razones por las que las transformaciones digitales aún fracasan

Ocho razones por las que las transformaciones digitales aún fracasan

En algunos casos, la falta de una buena comunicación significa que el término “entrada en funcionamiento” de un proyecto puede ser a menudo una condición mal definida o subjetiva, afirma Varughse de Wesco Group. Para tener éxito, es fundamental definir claramente las condiciones de “entrada en funcionamiento” para completar un ciclo de transformación completo, subraya. “Cree un cronograma para la etapa posterior a la implementación para definir condiciones claras para el día 1, 30, 60…

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Minimizing CISO personal liability through end of year budgeting

Minimizing CISO personal liability through end of year budgeting

As the end of 2024 quickly approaches and companies are scrambling to finalize fiscal year 2025 budgets, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are tasked with balancing ever increasing cyber risks with limited budgets, all while facing potentially crippling personal liability if they fail to strike the right balance and a breach occurs. To minimize the potential risks to their organizations and their own personal well-being, there are a number of steps CISOs should consider taking…

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LG's upcoming bendable 5K2K monitor sets the record straight for gamers and professionals

LG's upcoming bendable 5K2K monitor sets the record straight for gamers and professionals

While they’re not bendable, LG has been refining its curved monitors for moments like CES 2025. Kerry Wan/ZDNET If you’ve ever wished your computer monitor could be a little flexible — going from flat for work to curved for gaming — and have a top-of-the-line resolution, LG has an answer. In a press release today, LG announced several additions to its UltraGear gaming line, including the world’s first bendable gaming monitor with 5K2K resolution. Also: The next…

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ITDM 2025 전망 | “시공 넘어 사용자의 디지털 공간 경험 설계까지··· 건설사 플랫폼 비즈니스 통한 혁신 본격화될 것” 삼성물산 조혜정 부사장

ITDM 2025 전망 | “시공 넘어 사용자의 디지털 공간 경험 설계까지··· 건설사 플랫폼 비즈니스 통한 혁신 본격화될 것” 삼성물산 조혜정 부사장

건설경기 침체 또한 이러한 변화를 가속화하는 요인이다. 2025년에도 건설 경기 부진이 지속될 것으로 전망되는 가운데, 높은 대출 금리로 인해 프로젝트 파이낸싱(PF) 조달이 갈수록 어려워지고 있다. 건축 수요 감소와 주택 미분양 증가라는 이중고 속에서, 건설사에는 차별화된 프리미엄 가치를 창출해낼 수 있는 방안이 절실한 상황이다. 삼성물산은 플랫폼을 이런 상황의 타개책으로 삼았다. 2023년 삼성물산은 주거용 플랫폼 ‘홈닉(Homeniq)’을 출시해 아파트 거주 경험을 혁신하고 있으며, 2024년에는 오피스용 빌딩 관리 플랫폼 ‘바인드(Bynd)’를 출시하며 스마트 빌딩 시장에도 진출했다. 입주민은 이런 플랫폼으로 관리비…

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2025 전망 | 고성능 저전력 서버 시대의 시작: ARM 서버가 데이터센터에 가져올 변화

2025 전망 | 고성능 저전력 서버 시대의 시작: ARM 서버가 데이터센터에 가져올 변화

프로세서가 최대로 소비하는 전력량을 의미하는 TDP(Thermal Design Power)가 250W로, 280W인 x86서버보다 10% 이상 낮았다. 더 중요한 것은 대부분 TDP가 최대치로 사용되거나 일부 허용 범위를 넘어서는 x86서버에 비해, 아래 표와 같이 값이 대부분 최대전력 하단에서 균일하게 소비되어 전체 전력효율 측면에서 월등한 것을 확인할 수 있다. 인텔 서버 vs ARM 서버 : 에너지 효율성 HYOSUNG INFORMATION SYSTEMS 둘째로 ARM 프로세서는 낮은 전력 소모 덕분에 발열이 적고, 무엇보다 열 자체에 강하다. 달리 말하면 성능저하 및 과부하를 방지하기 위해…

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