'Burnout': una epidemia crónica en la industria de TI

'Burnout': una epidemia crónica en la industria de TI

Otro informe, de BlackFog, reveló que el 98% de los líderes de seguridad afirman trabajar un promedio de nueve horas por semana más de las horas que les corresponden en el contrato. Y el 15% de ellos afirman trabajar más de 16 horas por semana por encima de las horas que les corresponden en el contrato. A medida que los trabajadores de ciberseguridad enfrentan mayores responsabilidades, una mayor rotación de personal y escasez de talento,…

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How the web’s foundational tech is evolving in the era of remote work

How the web’s foundational tech is evolving in the era of remote work

The internet is a cornerstone of our daily existence. It integrates into every aspect of our lives and is the underpinning of modern communication, work dynamics, and the way we access information across our personal and work lives. However, the foundation of the internet — the Domain Name System (DNS), a system that translates domain names into IP addresses, allowing us to access websites or other online services — remains a mystery to many. A…

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ITDM 2025 전망 | “불경기 시대 속 콘텐츠 산업··· 기술이 돌파구를 마련하다” CJ ENM 조성철 엔터부문 CIO

ITDM 2025 전망 | “불경기 시대 속 콘텐츠 산업··· 기술이 돌파구를 마련하다” CJ ENM 조성철 엔터부문 CIO

글로벌 OTT 플랫폼의 한국 시장 진출로 경쟁이 심화되는 가운데, 인구 감소와 미디어 플랫폼의 다변화로 인해 전통적 수익원이었던 광고 매출이 지속적으로 감소하고 있다. 경쟁력 있는 콘텐츠 확보만이 이러한 위기를 극복할 수 있는 핵심 열쇠지만, 제작비 상승과 경기 침체로 인한 예산 제약으로 양질의 콘텐츠 제작에 어려움을 겪고 있다. CIO의 역량은 위기 상황에서 오히려 빛을 발할 수 있다. CIO가 관리하는 ‘기술’이 제작 효율성 향상과 비용 절감이라는 두 가지 과제를 동시에 해결할 수 있는 방안으로 활용될 수 있기 때문이다….

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50억 달러 피해에서 700명 해고까지··· 2024년 주요 IT 재난 8선

50억 달러 피해에서 700명 해고까지··· 2024년 주요 IT 재난 8선

인공지능과 그 광범위한 도입을 둘러싼 과대 광고, 기술 업계의 대규모 해고, 대규모 사이버 공격, 대규모 합병 등이 헤드라인을 장식한 한 해였다. 이와 동시에 여느 해와 마찬가지로 2024년에도 IT 사고가 끊이지 않았다. 며칠 또는 몇 주 만에 잊힌 사건도 있었지만, 수십억 달러에 달하는 피해를 입히고 장기적인 영향을 미친 사건들도 있었다. 2024년의 주요 IT 재난을 정리한 이번 목록은 데이터 유출 사고를 제외한 것이다. (해당 리스트는 따로 있다.) 또한, 최근의 AI 관련 재난 리스트도 별도로 존재한다. 그 이전…

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Network problems delay flights at two oneworld Alliance airlines

Network problems delay flights at two oneworld Alliance airlines

Earlier in the week, American Airlines was forced to ground flights for up to an hour on Christmas Eve, one of the busiest travel days of the year. American asked US Federal Aviation Administration to issue a “nationwide groundstop” at 6:50 am Eastern Time on Tuesday, preventing any of its aircraft from flying. The advisory was lifted an hour later. Vendor technology issue The airline blamed the problems on a “vendor technology issue” in a…

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Leveraging Avaya Experience Platform to accelerate your digital banking transformation

Leveraging Avaya Experience Platform to accelerate your digital banking transformation

Banks are striving for digital innovation but regulatory constraints, data security and privacy concerns, integration challenges, and the high costs of enabling change prevent 70% from achieving their transformation goals. Considering the speed that technology is evolving, the alternative of standing still isn’t an option.  How can banks cross the threshold into a digital future to enhance experiences, improve operational efficiency, and stay ahead? Success is the result of strategy, skill, collaboration and, above all, the right platform foundation….

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The best iRobot vacuums of 2024: Expert tested and reviewed

The best iRobot vacuums of 2024: Expert tested and reviewed

A robot vacuum is a worthwhile investment, but it can still be a lot of money to spend on a household product. Whatever the price, you want a quality device that can reliably tackle your floor’s cleaning needs. Luckily, iRobot has been around the block for a while and has several reputable robot vacuums you can buy. Here at ZDNET, we’ve spent a lot of time testing and reviewing machines made by iRobot and other manufacturers…

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Driving Security Forward: How Automakers Can Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats and Compliance Challenge

Driving Security Forward: How Automakers Can Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats and Compliance Challenge

As technology revolutionizes the way OEMs build cars, this software-powered shift has also introduced new risks and challenges. As cars become more connected, they are exposed to more cyber security threats. Software vulnerabilities and open-source code can be exploited by hackers to compromise safety-critical systems, access personal data, or even start a car from a remote location. In addition, due to the increasing complexity of the vehicle software ecosystem, integration and maintaining code quality have…

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This simple Gmail trick gave me another 15GB of storage for free – and I didn't lose any files

This simple Gmail trick gave me another 15GB of storage for free – and I didn't lose any files

Kerry Wan/ZDNET Anytime you create a new email account using Google, you get 15GB of storage, which is generous for coming with no price tag. But that 15GB can fill up quickly, especially because that chunk of data storage includes any videos and pictures you download to Google Drive and Google Photos.  If your inbox is overflowing with unread newsletters and spammy emails that made it past your filter, you can take action to preserve…

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Why Oura Ring 4 is ZDNET's product of the year – besting Samsung, Apple, and others in 2024

Why Oura Ring 4 is ZDNET's product of the year – besting Samsung, Apple, and others in 2024

Nina Raemont/ZDNET In a year brimming with technological advancements, from Apple’s first-ever mixed reality headset to the modern-day space race that is artificial intelligence, one particular niche of products saw its mainstream aspirations realized: smart rings. According to IDC, global ring sales were estimated at 880,000 units in 2023. This year, the market research firm is forecasting a rise to 1.7 million units, with an even larger spike of 3.2 million units in 2025. As…

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