AWS hopes for a savior in AI as revenue growth continues to slow

AWS growth rate is expected to show signs of resurgence by the end of the current fiscal year as enterprises complete their cost optimization efforts and shift to new workloads, such as AI, driven by new technologies such as generative AI, Olsavsky said.

“But what I would add is that we saw Q2 trends continue into July. So, generally feel the business has stabilized, and we’re looking forward to the back end of the year in the future,” Olsavsky said, adding that the company was planning to come out with new offerings, which the company expects will see good traction with existing and new customers.

AWS also hinted that the company is planning to make a significant amount of capital expenditure on developing and offering generative AI capabilities following its strategy of investing in data centers and hardware upfront before monetizing them over a longer period of time.

While AWS growth rate continues to slide, Google Cloud, which competes with AWS, maintained its growth momentum, reporting a 28% increase in revenue for the quarter ended June. Microsoft, another rival, posted a mere 1% drop in its growth rate for the June quarter when compared to its previous sequential quarter.

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