Bash command cheat sheet

$ for num in {1..3}; do
>   echo $num
> done

Note that it’s also possible to use brace expansion multiple times in the same loop. Note the use of outer and inner braces. 

$ echo {{1..3},{7..11}}
1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11

Substring manipulation 

There are several ways to extract substrings in bash scripts. One of the easiest is to a bash command like this: 

$ target="my cat Bella"
$ echo ${target:7:6}

You can use a command like the echo command shown below to capitalize (replace) the first letter in a string. 

$ name="joseph"
$ echo "${name/j/J}"

Bash commands wrap-up 

This cheat sheet for scripting in bash provides command examples along with explanations of how these commands work. Comments and suggestions are welcome. 

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