Managing your indoor IoT environment – Cisco DNA Spaces IoT Services – Cisco Blogs

Managing your indoor IoT environment – Cisco DNA Spaces IoT Services – Cisco Blogs

The problem with IoT Management IoT is a diverse realm with a myriad of devices. Successfully scaling enterprise IoT deployments has always been a challenging problem. Each device type may communicate with its own individual data specification. As a result, IoT device management usually involves elaborate vendor-specific applications to manage the overlay devices. This creates a management nightmare. Cisco eliminates this problem with a unified infrastructure which brings device vendors and application developers together to…

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Working around a memory leak in Cisco Cat 9000 switches

Working around a memory leak in Cisco Cat 9000 switches

Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series switches have become the switch of choice for many enterprises, including the environment that I work in, where Cisco Catalyst 9300 24- and 48-port switches running Gibraltar-16.12.3 code had become the standard for the access layer when more than 12 ports were needed. That was about two years ago, and a year or so after that we began receiving notifications from an onsite location that there were intermittent network outages and…

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Extreme targets SD-WAN services with Ipanema buy

Extreme targets SD-WAN services with Ipanema buy

With an eye toward reinforcing its cloud management business, Extreme Networks said it will acquire Ipanema’s SD-WAN business for about $73 million in cash. Ipanema and its SD-WAN business has been owned by France-based network orchestration firm Infovista since 2015 and has approximately 400 customers, mostly in Europe. Its cloud-managed SD-WAN platform is designed to deliver different workloads and applications securely across conventional wide-area networks and multicloud service providers, according to the company. Ipanema’s technology…

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Healthcare organizations are a focus of ransomware attacks – Cisco Blogs

Healthcare organizations are a focus of ransomware attacks – Cisco Blogs

The adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) and even faster adoption of wireless medical devices and telemedicine has made patient information more accessible by more people. Over the past year and a half that’s been tremendously beneficial. The shift to remote care and the widespread adoption of EHR solutions by health systems have shaped digital transformation in healthcare. The challenge now is to understand how hospitals and care centers expect to protect patient information and…

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As-a-service may be more than you think – Cisco Blogs

As-a-service may be more than you think – Cisco Blogs

As-a-service models gain momentum “As-a-service” (aaS) models continue gaining momentum throughout the technology stack. They certainly aren’t a new way to consume technology. SaaS (software-as-a-service) began over two decades ago with the launch of WebEx in 1995 and followed in 1999.  Cisco jumped all in on SaaS ourselves, acquiring WebEx back in 2007. It was 11 years after the Webex SaaS model to AWS launching its first-generation IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service), EC2 in 2006, with Google…

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Give it Away to Get it Back  – Cisco Blogs

Give it Away to Get it Back  – Cisco Blogs

Shoveling sand at a construction site in rural Mexico during a giving back activity with Habitat for Humanity in 2009 is my first fond memory of the creative freedom I have while working at Cisco. Yes, technology and connecting the unconnected are what we Cisconians are known for, but giving back is an equally important part of who we are – and our culture. Each year, Cisco gives employees 40 hours to give back in…

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Using the Linux cut command to grab portions of lines from files

Using the Linux cut command to grab portions of lines from files

One surprisingly easy command for grabbing a portion of every line in a text file on a Linux system is cut. It works something like awk in that it allows you to select only what you want to see from files, enabling you to pull fields (regardless of the delimiter used), characters or bytes. To check on cut, you can ask about its version like this: $ cut –version cut (GNU coreutils) 8.32 Copyright (C)…

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The ‘Itanic’—Intel’s ill-fated Itanium processor—finally sinks

The ‘Itanic’—Intel’s ill-fated Itanium processor—finally sinks

After two decades of failure and endless jokes, the Intel Itanium is officially no more. Intel has finally stopped shipping its doomed-from-the-start 64-bit processor, two years after saying it would cease shipments. Really, the end came some time ago. The last Itaniums were the 9000 series “Kittson,” which shipped in 2017. It’s a bane of technology firms to support technologies they would much rather ditch but can’t due to customer investment, and for years Intel…

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NOW the web is 30 years old: When Tim Berners-Lee switched on the first World Wide Web server | ZDNet

NOW the web is 30 years old: When Tim Berners-Lee switched on the first World Wide Web server | ZDNet

Today, most of us live, work, fall in love, and buy our goods over the web. To us, it’s as natural as breathing. It wasn’t always like that. In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee came up with his own take on creating a unifying structure for linking information across different computers. He called it, “Information Management: A Proposal.” Later, Berners-Lee would call it the World Wide Web. It wasn’t a new idea, you can trace it back…

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