Are Performance Issues Impacting Your Customer Experiences? Here’s the Fix… – Cisco Blogs

Are Performance Issues Impacting Your Customer Experiences? Here’s the Fix… – Cisco Blogs

For retailers, a simple, flawless, digital customer experience is the new currency. It’s a defining factor in the success of your business and its brand reputation. The pandemic has expedited the evolution of our world to a fully digital one. People no longer have a choice; they have to rely on digital experiences with the companies they rely on – including yours. As digital experiences get simpler for consumers, they get more complex for companies…

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Dell Technologies Helps Communications Service Providers Transform to Capture Opportunities at the Edge | Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies Helps Communications Service Providers Transform to Capture Opportunities at the Edge | Dell Technologies

ROUND ROCK, Texas, June 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — News summary  Dell Technologies cloud-native infrastructure foundation solution with Project Metalweaver software will support the deployment and maintenance of open, industry-standard infrastructure at scale With the Dell Technologies telecom innovation lab, network operators can consume ecosystem-wide innovation to transform networks, deliver services and grow revenues Dell Technologies’ digital transformation, an industry-leading IT infrastructure and global services expertise allows communications service providers to confidently deploy 5G networks and…

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Why Every Midsize Business Needs a Security Strategy

Why Every Midsize Business Needs a Security Strategy

When midsize businesses talk about cybersecurity, it’s usually in the context of a problem to solve. (Specifically, IT’s problem to solve.) But for small and midsize businesses especially, security can’t just be a concern of IT. When looked at holistically, a strong security strategy can be an asset that helps companies reach their overall business objectives. Per IDG, business and IT leaders at midsize companies surveyed around the globe agree that the top three business…

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Why the cloud will never eat the data center

Why the cloud will never eat the data center

Sometimes it’s hard to see gradual changes in technology paradigms because they’re gradual.  Sometimes it helps to play “Just suppose…” and see where it leads. So, just suppose that the cloud did what some radical thinkers say, and “absorbed the network”. That’s sure an exciting tag line, but is this even possible, and how might it come about? Companies are already committed to a virtual form of networking for their WAN services, based on VPNs…

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One night in March 2020 – Cisco Blogs

One night in March 2020 – Cisco Blogs

While sitting at the kitchen table one evening in early March of 2020, my wife and I discussed what was happening in the world and how my team at Cisco — like many of yours — was about to face an immediate mandate to enable remote work for our organizations. Our teams brainstormed, drafted contingency plans, and coordinated with other teams across Cisco’s IT organization. We had a collective understanding of how to respond. You…

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Control Cisco Secure Workload Using APIs, Ansible, and Terraform

Control Cisco Secure Workload Using APIs, Ansible, and Terraform

Cisco Secure Workload, (formerly Cisco Tetration) provides policy lifecycle services, micro-segmentation, and cloud workload protection. Furthermore, it is completely accessible via open APIs and by using Ansible and Terraform. It is also part of Cisco Application-First Security and a pillar of the Cisco Zero Trust architecture.   Do you want to learn more about Cisco Secure Workload, and how to control it using APIs, Ansible and Terraform?Register here for the webinarTuesday, June 15th, 8:00 AM PDT …

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TrustSec Policy Analytics – Part Two: Policy Visualization

TrustSec Policy Analytics – Part Two: Policy Visualization

In Part One of the Cisco TrustSec Policy Analytics blog series, Samuel Brown addressed some of the challenges related to designing group-based security policies and introduced one of the new feature sets of Cisco Secure Network Analytics – TrustSec Analytics reports. In this blog, we’ll dive a little bit deeper into the challenges associated with designing segmentation policies and how TrustSec Analytics reports and the visibility they provide can help make this easier. I’d like…

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Edge intelligence for midstream oil and gas operators – Cisco Blogs

Edge intelligence for midstream oil and gas operators – Cisco Blogs

For midstream oil and gas operators, data flow can be as important as product flow. The operator’s job is to safely move oil and natural gas from its extraction point (upstream), to where it’s converted to fuels (midstream), to customer delivery locations (downstream). During this process, pump stations, meter stations, storage sites, interconnection points, and block valves generate a substantial volume and variety of data that can lead to increased efficiency and safety. “Just one…

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Keeping Cool with QSFP-DD800 Optics – Cisco Blogs

Keeping Cool with QSFP-DD800 Optics – Cisco Blogs

History has been very clear that for broad industry adoption of the 800G generation, an optical pluggable form factor must be judged on:(1) Backwards compatibility with previous generation optics(2) 100G+ electrical performance(3) Excellent thermal power dissipation The recent QSFP-DD MSA updates ensure all of these, but I’d like to focus on the thermal performance here. Starting with 400G modules and continuing with 800G pluggable modules, the challenge of thermals and keeping optical pluggable modules cool…

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Hybrid Cloud Operations with next generation FlexPod – Cisco Blogs

Hybrid Cloud Operations with next generation FlexPod – Cisco Blogs

Today, we are excited to announce the next-generation of FlexPod, an Intersight-enabled platform that delivers a modern hybrid-cloud infrastructure with enhanced observability and automation capabilities to simplify operations and accelerate the delivery of your modern applications. We’re announcing a strategic direction for FlexPod that will set the standard for the future.  With next-generation FlexPod, we are bringing cloud-like capabilities to the datacenter and connecting FlexPod to the public cloud for a hybrid cloud experience.   Let…

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