Going Beyond Cybersecurity & Facing World Challenges – Cisco Blogs

Going Beyond Cybersecurity & Facing World Challenges – Cisco Blogs

I love technology but I have always wanted to do more for the world. At Cisco, I have learned that we are more than just cybersecurity specialists – we’re people first. That means sometimes we need to step away from the day to day to focus on other priorities that impact our personal lives, friends and family, and our communities. When the world shifted in 2020 – which was then followed by social and racial…

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Cisco Named “Customers’ Choice” for Data Center and Cloud Networking in 2020 Gartner Peer Insights – Cisco Blogs

Cisco Named “Customers’ Choice” for Data Center and Cloud Networking in 2020 Gartner Peer Insights – Cisco Blogs

IT leaders are listening to their peers in greater numbers. They are sharing their operational experiences and rating their chosen vendors’ technologies on public forums. IT professionals are particularly looking for feedback on network automation technologies and deployment experiences others made on their journey to deliver on business resiliency and business agility needs. Enterprises are accelerating their digital transformation and looking for a vendor that provides ease of integration and deployment, proactive service and support,…

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BGP: What is border gateway protocol, and how does it work?

BGP: What is border gateway protocol, and how does it work?

Finding the best way to get from Point A to Point B is easy if you’re drawing a straight line on a piece of paper, but when Point A is your computer and Point B is a website halfway around the world, things get a bit trickier. In the latter case, Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), the routing protocol used by the global internet, is used to find the best path by weighing the latest network…

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ExaGrid updates and streamlines its backup appliances

ExaGrid updates and streamlines its backup appliances

I’m a sucker for the underdog, so shame on me for focusing on the big guys for so long. It’s time to change that with some news from ExaGrid, a competitor of Dell EMC and HP Enterprise in the data backup appliance market. Earlier this month, ExaGrid announced it has increased the capacity of its Tiered Backup Storage appliances while also reducing its offerings from nine systems to seven. Appliances of any size can be…

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Serious 10-year-old flaw in Linux sudo command; a new version patches it

Serious 10-year-old flaw in Linux sudo command; a new version patches it

Linux users should immediately patch a serious vulnerability to the sudo command that, if exploited, can allow unprivileged users gain root privileges on the host machine. Called Baron Samedit, the flaw has been “hiding in plain sight” for about 10 years, and was discovered earlier this month by researchers at Qualys and reported to sudo developers, who came up with patches Jan. 19, according to a Qualys blog. (The blog includes a video of the…

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Fueling IoT Partner Success at Cisco IoT Connect – Cisco Blogs

Fueling IoT Partner Success at Cisco IoT Connect – Cisco Blogs

How time flies! It seems like the quarters come and go in a blink of an eye. Thank you all for your work this past quarter and for how hard you pushed to finish strong. Over the coming weeks we will review our combined performance and share our findings. I look forward to meeting with you and celebrating our united wins together. Cisco IoT Connect – February 25, 2021 Speaking of wins. Cisco’s first ever…

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DCNM SAN Insights: Deep Fabric Visibility with Scalable Self-Learning Technology – Cisco Blogs

DCNM SAN Insights: Deep Fabric Visibility with Scalable Self-Learning Technology – Cisco Blogs

  As tradition, I had my paid time off during Xmas holidays. When back, I realized Cisco product development team had not slowed down their efforts to ameliorate and update existing products. One point in case is Cisco Datacenter Network Manager for SAN, DCNM-SAN for friends. The newly posted DCNM 11.5 release includes an enhancement about the validated scalability of one specific attribute that will make many users happier. Since I have not seen this…

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3 Keys to Enabling Hybrid Work Environments in Government

3 Keys to Enabling Hybrid Work Environments in Government

As governments rapidly transitioned to a remote work environment over the last year, there was one big question: would productivity take a hit? That question was answered loud and clear as productivity stayed strong and, in many cases, increased. This success has left us with some clear guidance that can help government take the next step in that transition—enabling the hybrid work environment of the future. As public sector workers begin returning to the traditional…

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Healthcare Now – What’s Next in the Americas – Cisco Blogs

Healthcare Now – What’s Next in the Americas – Cisco Blogs

With the new year underway, we are excited and encouraged by the new COVID-19 vaccines being deployed to healthcare workers and high-risk individuals in the United States and Canada. Here in the United States, each of our states are receiving their allocated commitments of vaccinations and planning is underway for broad-scale deployment of the vaccine. With Wave 1, which began at the end of 2020, we’ve already seen the first round of vaccines being successfully…

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NRF 2021 Key Takeaways – Cisco Blogs

NRF 2021 Key Takeaways – Cisco Blogs

This year’s NRF Chapter 1 event was unique in more than one sense. The transition to a virtual platform, rather than congregating in lively New York City, called for a human touch. And the storytelling that emerged as a result was truly impactful for all of us attendees. The six pillars that NRF chose to anchor content around for the event this year were: leadership, forward-looking growth, new business models, customer experience, operations, and talent….

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