Chinese Cyber Espionage Jumps 150%, CrowdStrike Finds

Chinese Cyber Espionage Jumps 150%, CrowdStrike Finds

High-profile campaigns like Volt Typhoon and Salt Typhoon made headlines in the past year, but they likely represent only a fraction of the extensive Chinese cyber espionage activity that has been unfolding in the shadows. According to CrowdStrike’s 2025 Global Threat Report, released on February 27, 2025, a staggering 150% surge in Chinese-backed cyber espionage operations across the world was observed in 2024. Critical industries saw up to a 300% spike in targeted attacks. The…

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Sierra Nevada se digitaliza en plena temporada de esquí

Sierra Nevada se digitaliza en plena temporada de esquí

En plena temporada alta de esquí, Sierra Nevada apuesta por la digitalización con el fin de brindar la mejor experiencia a los usuarios. La estación de esquí ubicada en Granada ha desplegado una ambiciosa iniciativa de la mano de Servinform; en el marco de la misma, Sierra Nevada contará con un sistema integral que combina la experiencia de un equipo humano altamente capacitado con el potencial de la inteligencia artificial (IA). Tal y como se…

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OpenSSF Publishes Security Framework for Open Source Software

OpenSSF Publishes Security Framework for Open Source Software

The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) has claimed a “significant milestone” after releasing a new set of best practices designed to improve the security posture of open source projects. The Open Source Project Security (OSPS) Baseline outlines the various tasks, processes, artifacts and configurations that developers need to put in place to mitigate risk, enhance trust and improve compliance with global regulations like the EU’s Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). It is also aligned with other…

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Grupo Volkswagen apuesta por una unidad de desarrollo para proyectos de digitalización

Grupo Volkswagen apuesta por una unidad de desarrollo para proyectos de digitalización

Grupo Volkswagen y la firma de consultoría CGI amplían su acuerdo de colaboración global. Una alianza con la que aspiran a reforzar las capacidades a largo plazo del fabricante de automóviles en materia de infraestructura TI con el fin de adaptarse a futuros requisitos. Como parte de sus esfuerzos conjuntos, ambas partes han lanzado la nueva entidad, MARV1N, que actuará como una unidad de desarrollo internacional para proyectos de digitalización de todo el Grupo y…

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FBI Confirms North Korea’s Lazarus Group as Bybyit Hackers

FBI Confirms North Korea’s Lazarus Group as Bybyit Hackers

A notorious state-sponsored North Korean APT group was behind the world’s largest cryptocurrency heist late last week, the FBI has confirmed. A brief Public Service Announcement (PSA) issued by the law enforcement agency on Febrary 26 attributed the attack on cryptocurrency exchange Bybit to the “TraderTraitor” group (aka Lazarus, APT38, BlueNoroff, and Stardust Chollima). “TraderTraitor actors are proceeding rapidly and have converted some of the stolen assets to Bitcoin and other virtual assets dispersed across…

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Infraestructura de TI: inventario antes de AIOps

Infraestructura de TI: inventario antes de AIOps

Además, hay otro aspecto que, en su opinión, se pasa por alto con demasiada frecuencia: “En última instancia, la introducción de AIOps también revela potencial por parte de los empleados. Cuantas menos intervenciones manuales sean necesarias en la infraestructura, más podrán concentrarse los empleados en las cosas que realmente requieren su atención. Por esta razón, considero que el uso de plataformas de integración abiertas es útil para que la automatización y las AIOps puedan utilizarse…

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CrowdStrike Security Report: Generative AI Powers Social Engineering Attacks

CrowdStrike Security Report: Generative AI Powers Social Engineering Attacks

Phishing was no longer as common in 2024 as before, according to CrowdStrike’s 2025 Global Threat Report. Threat actors trend toward accessing legitimate accounts through social engineering techniques like voice phishing (vishing), callback phishing, and help desk social engineering attacks. We’re well within the era of what cybersecurity technology CrowdStrike called “the enterprising adversary,” with malware-as-a-service and criminal ecosystems replacing the old-fashioned image of the lone threat actor. Attackers are also using legitimate remote management…

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5 IAM considerations and lessons learned in the insurance industry

5 IAM considerations and lessons learned in the insurance industry

The insurance industry’s IAM challenges Insurance companies are prime targets for fraud and identity-based attacks. They manage vast stores of sensitive data, accounts are highly valuable, and policyholders are often vulnerable. The industry deals with a myriad of unique challenges: policy origination is often independent from online account registration, infrequent policyholder check-in delays fraud detection, and complexities like delegated access require unique verification and authentication paths, to name only a few. Fraudsters are aware of…

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6 motivi per i quali un team IT potrebbe non riuscire a soddisfare le aspettative

6 motivi per i quali un team IT potrebbe non riuscire a soddisfare le aspettative

Come dice Swartz: “Se si spende poco rispetto agli altri, non dovrebbe essere una sorpresa che l’azienda sia in ritardo e che l’IT ne risenta”. Inoltre, avvisa che in questi scenari i CIO devono di solito impegnare un’alta percentuale delle loro risorse limitate per mantenere il controllo dei costi, lasciando poco da spendere per un’innovazione e una trasformazione capaci di stupire i loro colleghi e offrire grandi vittorie per la loro azienda. Non c’è una…

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메신저 앱 시그널, 스웨덴 정부가 암호화 접근권 요구하자 “차라리 철수하겠다”

메신저 앱 시그널, 스웨덴 정부가 암호화 접근권 요구하자 “차라리 철수하겠다”

ABI 리서치(ABI Research)의 수석 이사 미켈라 멘팅은 샤뇽의 견해에 대체로 동의하면서도, 암호화를 약화시키려는 규제 노력이 실제로 성공할 가능성은 낮다고 평가했다. 멘팅은 “정부 기관들은 오랫동안 암호화 프로토콜에 백도어를 의무화하겠다고 위협해 왔지만 성공한 적이 없다. 선의는 있지만 잘못된 정보를 가진 정치인들의 이런 발언은 과장된 경우가 많으며, 주기적으로 논쟁이 되풀이된다. 현대 통신의 상당 부분이 프라이버시 보호와 기밀 유지를 위해 암호화에 의존하는 상황에서, 백도어를 도입하겠다는 계획은 결코 좋은 결과를 가져올 수 없다”라고 말했다. 멘팅은 또한 정치적으로 불안정한 시기일 때…

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